Verify configuration for public IPs

Hey Scott, I’ve got domains assigned to my nodes, but you mention deploying sub domains, is this something I would have to deploy more then the one sub domain?

How would I know another is needed?

No, just one domain per node is needed, and it can be a subdomain itself. For example, node 1 on testnet has as it’s domain. When a user deploys a web gateway using this node, it will be assigned a subdomain Zos handles all of this automatically.

Cool that’s how mine are setup, the subdomains are the nodes “names” lol, gotta have cool names for everything

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thanks @scott for these information. I finaly was able to create a new gateway.

The configs can be set in Polkadot UI. That would look like this:

The settings were instantly shown in TF Chain Portal as can be seen here

It’s takes a couple of minutes until it’s also shown in Grid Explorerimage

I can confirm that it is neccessary to reboot the node for any changes made in Pokadot UI to take place. After rebooting the node responds on pings to the subdomain.


Looks like we have another gateway online



Thanks for the info.
I’ll add this to the documentation so it’s clear for everyone, it’s a good detail to keep in mind!

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Hey @Mik, you should also consider to take @ParkerS advise into the documentation.

See: Verify configuration for public IPs

I was struggling in the first place to work with polkadot UI. See chat history

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I liked your domain, just bought, gonna move em over when I do upgrades next Monday


Most excellent idea. Thanks for this @sigzag . Indeed we could even write a complete book with all the information @ParkerS shared here on the forum!

It’s definitely great contents to put on the TF documentation. Excellent idea.

There is so much great contributions from many people here. We need to get more organized and have ways to share and create documentation that builds on each other, and that is accessible for all, and updatable as we get better data. Also, being more organized would allow us to avoid re-inventing the wheel in terms of documentation and findings, if it ever was to happen.

Those two links are a part of the overall discussion. Amazing to see TF grows. Thanks again for the idea.

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Just in case anyone on this thread can benefit from hearing this…

@teisie asked me if there was any more efficient way to add public IPs to a farm than adding them one by one through the portal. I thought there was a way to add a block, but alas no such thing currently exists in the UIs (including Polkadot.js).

However, I had been playing a bit with the TF Chain command line too recently and figured there would be a way to automate this process. After some fiddling around today, I produced a working script that can add a continuous block of IPs to a farm. It shouldn’t be too difficult to adjust the values and run this script on any OS. I’ll work on that some more on Monday.


Hey Scott, I’m planing to go from an 8 block to a 64 at the beginning of next week, we could get together and do some testing when that plays out if it would be helpful

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I’d love to get that script!! Have to assign a block of 200 IPs and definitely don’t want to add them one by one


@sigzag, I put the finishing touches on today and would be happy to share with you for testing.

@ParkerS, sounds good!