Grid Stats - New Nodes & Utilization Overview

Back again, this time with overall uptime stats for nodes. Thanks for the suggestion, @weynandkuijpers :slight_smile: Need a super reliable node? Look for one of about a hundred that have been powered on for a year or more! Considering the migration to Grid 3 was just over a year ago and required a reboot, I bet we’ll see the number of high endurance nodes increase with time.

New Active Nodes, February 13 – 20

Total new: 9

  • Belgium: 4
  • Germany: 2
  • Canada: 1
  • United States: 1
  • United Kingdom: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2870 (+7)

Cores 67,577 0.15%
RAM 430,089 GB 0.04%
SSD 10,009,917 GB -0.7%
HDD 34,129,018 GB 0.13%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
7 Days 2,536 88.4%
1 Month 1,920 66.9%
3 Months 1,051 36.6%
6 Months 532 18.5%
9 Months 262 9.1%
1 Year 93 3.2%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1,103 / 66,755 (1.65%)
RAM 1,840 / 424,305 GB (0.43%)
SSD 39,503 / 9,986,701 GB (0.4%)
HDD 21 / 33,877,097 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 153 / 822 (18.61%)
RAM 364 / 5,784 GB (6.29%)
SSD 4,902 / 23,216 GB (21.11%)
HDD 172 / 251,921 GB (0.07%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1,256 / 67,577 (1.86%)
RAM 2,204 / 430,089 GB (0.51%)
SSD 44,405 / 10,009,917 GB (0.44%)
HDD 193 / 34,129,018 GB (0.0%)
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Can we get a breakdown of those 93 nodes, I think it would be great to recognize that as an achievement of the farmer. (They definitely aren’t mine :rofl:, I break my network to much for that)


New Active Nodes, February 20 – 27

Total new: 12

  • United States: 4
  • Vietnam: 2
  • Netherlands: 6

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2836 (-34)

Cores 67,216 -0.53%
RAM 428,732 GB -0.32%
SSD 10,108,201 GB 0.98%
HDD 34,007,797 GB -0.36%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,400 85%
1 Month 1,807 64%
3 Months 1,039 37%
6 Months 531 19%
9 Months 233 8%
1 Year 80 3%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 765 / 66,389 (1.15%)
RAM 1,597 / 422,936 GB (0.38%)
SSD 35,355 / 10,084,842 GB (0.35%)
HDD 21 / 33,755,876 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 158 / 827 (19.11%)
RAM 372 / 5,796 GB (6.42%)
SSD 4,914 / 23,359 GB (21.04%)
HDD 172 / 251,921 GB (0.07%)

Total Utilization

Cores 923 / 67,216 (1.37%)
RAM 1,969 / 428,732 GB (0.46%)
SSD 40,269 / 10,108,201 GB (0.4%)
HDD 193 / 34,007,797 GB (0.0%)
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Was a bit tricky, cause I had to go back and keep track of which network each node is on then sort them accordingly. I probably won’t post this for each week since it’s kinda long, but here’s the breakdown for this week (only 80 nodes remain in the 1 year plus category):

Network Farm ID Farm Name Node Count Node IDs
main 71 GreenEdge-Enterprise-Toronto1 13 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 280, 283, 445
test 1 FreeFarm 11 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20
main 1 Freefarm 9 1, 8, 10, 11, 12, 19, 23, 50, 921
main 72 GreenEdge-Enterprise-Rochester1 8 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 447
main 588 CryptoMan 5 1074, 1133, 1138, 1143, 1163
main 1176 BoomTFT01 3 923, 929, 930
main 787 SyncSpot 2 1289, 1290
main 281 xCryptonymous 2 617, 618
main 136 vcc3 2 481, 482
main 68 GreenGentFarm 2 260, 261
main 1249 ThreeFoldFarm1 1 1536
main 489 Highland3FoldFarm 1 1444
main 1029 CrownHill3TFT 1 1379
main 819 cryptoprince 1 1376
main 536 CryptoDevo1 1 1368
main 636 threenode1 1 1346
main 616 mantrasia 1 1330
main 689 HeiGoFarm 1 1315
main 585 hopeman 1 1269
main 508 neXus01 1 1209
main 496 Abramson_Farm_1 1 1122
main 1027 Time_Innovations 1 1109
main 1064 Sss247 1 1091
main 82 todolossantos 1 1069
main 1021 eu1 1 1058
main 431 haddocks-bottleneck 1 1008
main 728 TheShowMan 1 980
main 570 Hamiltown 1 968
main 245 w3i 1 815
main 356 HX90 1 721
main 115 HEH Farm 1 591
main 70 prairiedog 1 541
main 3 Silverfarm 1 4

New Active Nodes, February 28 – March 6

Total new: 10

  • United States: 6
  • Netherlands: 3
  • Canada: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2835 (-1)

Cores 67,252 0.05%
RAM 429,877 GB 0.27%
SSD 10,086,049 GB -0.22%
HDD 33,965,701 GB -0.12%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,514 89%
1 Month 1,841 65%
3 Months 1,073 38%
6 Months 577 20%
9 Months 238 8%
1 Year 83 3%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1,305 / 66,428 (1.96%)
RAM 1,925 / 424,089 GB (0.45%)
SSD 38,416 / 10,062,639 GB (0.38%)
HDD 21 / 33,713,780 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 129 / 824 (15.66%)
RAM 328 / 5,788 GB (5.67%)
SSD 3,921 / 23,411 GB (16.75%)
HDD 172 / 251,921 GB (0.07%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1,434 / 67,252 (2.13%)
RAM 2,253 / 429,877 GB (0.52%)
SSD 42,337 / 10,086,049 GB (0.42%)
HDD 193 / 33,965,701 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, March 6 – 13

Total new: 9

  • United States: 4
  • Serbia: 1
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • Netherlands: 1
  • Switzerland: 2

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2776 (-59)

Cores 65,681 -2.34%
RAM 424,584 GB -1.23%
SSD 10,043,781 GB -0.42%
HDD 34,062,690 GB 0.29%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,463 89%
1 Month 1,813 65%
3 Months 1,083 39%
6 Months 588 21%
9 Months 235 8%
1 Year 87 3%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1,161 / 64,861 (1.79%)
RAM 1,871 / 418,804 GB (0.45%)
SSD 37,175 / 10,020,373 GB (0.37%)
HDD 0 / 33,810,769 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 126 / 820 (15.37%)
RAM 327 / 5,780 GB (5.66%)
SSD 3,941 / 23,408 GB (16.84%)
HDD 172 / 251,921 GB (0.07%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1,287 / 65,681 (1.96%)
RAM 2,198 / 424,584 GB (0.52%)
SSD 41,116 / 10,043,781 GB (0.41%)
HDD 172 / 34,062,690 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, March 13 – 20

Total new: 11

  • United States: 4
  • Belarus: 1
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • Italy: 1
  • Australia: 1
  • Vietnam: 3

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2778 (+2)

Cores 66,189 0.77%
RAM 429,096 GB 1.06%
SSD 10,112,025 GB 0.68%
HDD 34,059,995 GB -0.01%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,455 89%
1 Month 1,850 67%
3 Months 1,100 40%
6 Months 577 21%
9 Months 227 8%
1 Year 101 4%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1,124 / 65,367 (1.72%)
RAM 1,859 / 423,321 GB (0.44%)
SSD 36,412 / 10,088,496 GB (0.36%)
HDD 0 / 33,808,074 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 139 / 822 (16.91%)
RAM 340 / 5,775 GB (5.89%)
SSD 4,045 / 23,529 GB (17.19%)
HDD 172 / 251,921 GB (0.07%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1,263 / 66,189 (1.91%)
RAM 2,199 / 429,096 GB (0.51%)
SSD 40,458 / 10,112,025 GB (0.4%)
HDD 172 / 34,059,995 GB (0.0%)

Hi all, back after little break from our normal weekly report…

New Active Nodes, March 27 – April 3

Total new: 24

  • Belgium: 4
  • Germany: 4
  • Switzerland: 3
  • United States: 2
  • Netherlands: 7
  • United Kingdom: 2
  • Slovakia: 1
  • Vietnam: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2761 (-17)

Cores 65,469 -1.09%
RAM 422,911 GB -1.44%
SSD 10,001,202 GB -1.1%
HDD 33,971,888 GB -0.26%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,437 88%
1 Month 1,946 70%
3 Months 1,207 44%
6 Months 617 22%
9 Months 244 9%
1 Year 134 5%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1,661 / 64,224 (2.59%)
RAM 2,323 / 414,348 GB (0.56%)
SSD 40,872 / 9,929,408 GB (0.41%)
HDD 1,074 / 33,675,958 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 129 / 1,245 (10.36%)
RAM 347 / 8,562 GB (4.05%)
SSD 3,802 / 71,794 GB (5.3%)
HDD 172 / 295,930 GB (0.06%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1,790 / 65,469 (2.73%)
RAM 2,669 / 422,911 GB (0.63%)
SSD 44,674 / 10,001,202 GB (0.45%)
HDD 1,246 / 33,971,888 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, April 3 – April 10

Total new: 23

  • Germany: 6
  • United States: 2
  • Netherlands: 12
  • Vietnam: 2
  • United Kingdom: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2759 (-2)

Cores 65,256 -0.33%
RAM 421,383 GB -0.36%
SSD 10,007,955 GB 0.07%
HDD 33,968,683 GB -0.01%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,418 88%
1 Month 1,886 68%
3 Months 1,173 43%
6 Months 616 22%
9 Months 252 9%
1 Year 142 5%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1,602 / 63,819 (2.51%)
RAM 2,318 / 411,296 GB (0.56%)
SSD 40,664 / 9,916,491 GB (0.41%)
HDD 1,074 / 33,672,754 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 112 / 1,437 (7.79%)
RAM 319 / 10,087 GB (3.17%)
SSD 3,716 / 91,464 GB (4.06%)
HDD 172 / 295,930 GB (0.06%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1,714 / 65,256 (2.63%)
RAM 2,637 / 421,383 GB (0.63%)
SSD 44,380 / 10,007,955 GB (0.44%)
HDD 1,246 / 33,968,683 GB (0.0%)

Hi everyone, this is the first stats report since the farmerbot came to mainnet. That means that sleeping nodes are now included in the node count. Actually, it’s probably the case that there were some sleeping nodes on testnet or QA net last week that didn’t get counted (16 on testnet and 0 on QA net are asleep as of today).

I’ll need to update my scripts to include the capacity in the sleeping nodes in the capacity total, so that’s missing for now. Also the utilization percentages won’t count the capacity in sleeping nodes either. Hope to have that all fixed for next week!

New Active Nodes, April 10 – April 17

Total new: 25

  • Netherlands: 6
  • United States: 3
  • Belgium: 1
  • Slovakia: 3
  • Vietnam: 6
  • Germany: 2
  • United Kingdom: 4

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2724
Sleeping nodes: 79
Total nodes: 2803 (+44)

Cores 64,654 -0.92%
RAM 420,560 GB -0.2%
SSD 9,912,784 GB -0.96%
HDD 33,635,115 GB -0.99%


Not counting sleeping nodes. Should we include nodes that are asleep but consistently hit their periodic wake up here? Let me know what you think in a reply :slight_smile:

Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,263 83%
1 Month 1,759 65%
3 Months 1,096 40%
6 Months 605 22%
9 Months 247 9%
1 Year 142 5%


Some, but not all standby nodes are included in the capacity totals.

Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1,867 / 63,183 (2.95%)
RAM 2,546 / 409,947 GB (0.62%)
SSD 45,817 / 9,817,616 GB (0.47%)
HDD 1,074 / 33,339,185 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 107 / 1,471 (7.27%)
RAM 315 / 10,613 GB (2.97%)
SSD 3,647 / 95,168 GB (3.83%)
HDD 172 / 295,930 GB (0.06%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1,974 / 64,654 (3.05%)
RAM 2,861 / 420,560 GB (0.68%)
SSD 49,464 / 9,912,784 GB (0.5%)
HDD 1,246 / 33,635,115 GB (0.0%)

I think we should include nodes that are asleep but consistently hit their periodic wake up because they are part of the grid’s capacity ready and waiting for a workload.

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Hello again,

Another quick update before getting into the stats. I realized after posting last week’s numbers that my methodology for classifying sleeping versus online nodes wasn’t quite correct. The quick version is that some nodes were counted twice in the total nodes count but I’m not sure how many. On the flip side, the total capacity figures are actually missing some, but not all of the sleeping nodes, because I didn’t try to add them back in.

The problem turned out to be simpler than I thought. Previously, a node was considered “online” for our purposes here if it had registered an update in the last 24 hours. That might seem a little generous, but it gives a wider view of nodes that are active on the network, even if they’ve been down for a bit (95% uptime, also means up to ~1.5 days downtime per month). Nodes that go to sleep should also report an update about one per day to be considered active, so it turns out these criterion are almost the same.

Since it can take some time for a larger farm to finish waking up all its nodes, the updates for sleeping nodes might be spaced out a bit more than 24 hours. For this time, I just expanded the period to 36 hours for all nodes.

Thanks to @fromenator for chiming in. Just to clarify, all sleeping nodes are included in node counts and total capacity figures. I was just wondering about whether they should be included in the uptime figures, or if we should reserve that for nodes that are actually powered on.

New Active Nodes, April 17 – April 24

Total new: 14

  • Netherlands: 1
  • Belgium: 5
  • Bulgaria: 3
  • Canada: 2
  • United States: 2
  • United Kingdom: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2609
Sleeping nodes: 121
Total nodes: 2730

Cores 65,820 1.8%
RAM 427,622 GB 1.68%
SSD 9,933,341 GB 0.21%
HDD 33,327,683 GB -0.91%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,260 83%
1 Month 1,666 61%
3 Months 1,056 39%
6 Months 605 22%
9 Months 319 12%
1 Year 148 5%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1,928 / 64,509 (2.99%)
RAM 2,587 / 418,196 GB (0.62%)
SSD 46,303 / 9,859,600 GB (0.47%)
HDD 1,074 / 33,031,753 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 105 / 1,311 (8.01%)
RAM 309 / 9,426 GB (3.27%)
SSD 3,551 / 73,741 GB (4.82%)
HDD 172 / 295,930 GB (0.06%)

Total Utilization

Cores 2,033 / 65,820 (3.09%)
RAM 2,896 / 427,622 GB (0.68%)
SSD 49,854 / 9,933,341 GB (0.5%)
HDD 1,246 / 33,327,683 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, April 24 – May 1

Total new: 55

  • Belgium: 7
  • Germany: 23
  • Vietnam: 5
  • United Kingdom: 2
  • United States: 16
  • Canada: 1
  • Slovakia: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2388
Sleeping nodes: 190
Total nodes: 2758

Cores 66,649 1.26%
RAM 434,221 GB 1.54%
SSD 9,932,358 GB -0.01%
HDD 32,512,836 GB -2.44%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,266 82%
1 Month 1,653 60%
3 Months 1,016 37%
6 Months 572 21%
9 Months 332 12%
1 Year 141 5%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1,887 / 65,545 (2.88%)
RAM 2,561 / 426,358 GB (0.6%)
SSD 45,971 / 9,876,478 GB (0.47%)
HDD 1,074 / 32,224,908 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 102 / 1,104 (9.24%)
RAM 304 / 7,864 GB (3.87%)
SSD 3,505 / 55,880 GB (6.27%)
HDD 0 / 287,928 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1,989 / 66,649 (2.98%)
RAM 2,865 / 434,221 GB (0.66%)
SSD 49,475 / 9,932,358 GB (0.5%)
HDD 1,074 / 32,512,836 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, May 1 – May 8

Total new: 10

  • United States: 2
  • Netherlands: 6
  • Switzerland: 1
  • Vietnam: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2510
Sleeping nodes: 225
Total nodes: 2735

Cores 66,473 -0.26%
RAM 429,955 GB -0.98%
SSD 9,987,472 GB 0.55%
HDD 31,417,362 GB -3.37%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,212 81%
1 Month 1,591 58%
3 Months 969 35%
6 Months 557 20%
9 Months 322 12%
1 Year 135 5%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 2,037 / 65,690 (3.1%)
RAM 2,781 / 424,552 GB (0.66%)
SSD 49,921 / 9,969,591 GB (0.5%)
HDD 1,074 / 31,161,440 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 101 / 783 (12.9%)
RAM 303 / 5,402 GB (5.61%)
SSD 3,450 / 17,881 GB (19.3%)
HDD 0 / 255,922 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 2,138 / 66,473 (3.22%)
RAM 3,084 / 429,955 GB (0.72%)
SSD 53,372 / 9,987,472 GB (0.53%)
HDD 1,074 / 31,417,362 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, May 8 – May 15

Total new: 27

  • United States: 9
  • Netherlands: 7
  • Canada: 3
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • Spain: 3
  • Australia: 1
  • Ukraine: 1
  • Germany: 2

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2548
Sleeping nodes: 171
Total nodes: 2719

Cores 65,941 -0.8%
RAM 425,966 GB -0.93%
SSD 9,934,008 GB -0.54%
HDD 31,033,708 GB -1.22%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,140 79%
1 Month 1,583 58%
3 Months 960 35%
6 Months 555 20%
9 Months 313 12%
1 Year 144 5%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 2,068 / 65,168 (3.17%)
RAM 2,725 / 420,609 GB (0.65%)
SSD 50,764 / 9,916,913 GB (0.51%)
HDD 1,074 / 30,781,787 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 129 / 773 (16.69%)
RAM 312 / 5,358 GB (5.82%)
SSD 3,485 / 17,095 GB (20.38%)
HDD 0 / 251,921 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 2,197 / 65,941 (3.33%)
RAM 3,037 / 425,966 GB (0.71%)
SSD 54,249 / 9,934,008 GB (0.55%)
HDD 1,074 / 31,033,708 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, May 15 – May 22

Total new: 31

  • Egypt: 1
  • Netherlands: 12
  • United States: 4
  • Ukraine: 2
  • Slovakia: 1
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • Poland: 3
  • Sweden: 1
  • Germany: 1
  • Canada: 1
  • Vietnam: 4

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2431
Sleeping nodes: 284
Total nodes: 2715

Cores 66,690 1.14%
RAM 433,616 GB 1.8%
SSD 9,953,109 GB 0.19%
HDD 30,166,457 GB -2.79%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 1,928 71%
1 Month 1,426 53%
3 Months 816 30%
6 Months 482 18%
9 Months 299 11%
1 Year 134 5%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 2,158 / 65,910 (3.27%)
RAM 2,747 / 428,259 GB (0.64%)
SSD 51,658 / 9,936,462 GB (0.52%)
HDD 1,074 / 29,914,536 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 102 / 780 (13.08%)
RAM 304 / 5,357 GB (5.68%)
SSD 3,505 / 16,647 GB (21.05%)
HDD 0 / 251,921 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 2,260 / 66,690 (3.39%)
RAM 3,051 / 433,616 GB (0.7%)
SSD 55,162 / 9,953,109 GB (0.55%)
HDD 1,074 / 30,166,457 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, May 22 – May 29

Total new: 25

  • Germany: 9
  • Belgium: 5
  • Netherlands: 3
  • United States: 1
  • Vietnam: 5
  • Canada: 1
  • Lebanon: 1

Total Capacity

Total active

Online nodes: 2412
Sleeping nodes: 270
Total nodes: 2682

Cores 65,207 -2.22%
RAM 420,765 GB -2.96%
SSD 9,805,103 GB -1.49%
HDD 29,684,913 GB -1.6%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,035 76%
1 Month 1,388 52%
3 Months 842 31%
6 Months 468 17%
9 Months 308 11%
1 Year 136 5%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 2,236 / 64,409 (3.47%)
RAM 2,929 / 415,271 GB (0.71%)
SSD 54,107 / 9,783,624 GB (0.55%)
HDD 1,074 / 29,432,992 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 98 / 798 (12.28%)
RAM 295 / 5,495 GB (5.37%)
SSD 3,182 / 21,479 GB (14.82%)
HDD 0 / 251,921 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 2,334 / 65,207 (3.58%)
RAM 3,224 / 420,765 GB (0.77%)
SSD 57,289 / 9,805,103 GB (0.58%)
HDD 1,074 / 29,684,913 GB (0.0%)

I hope soon to cross the threshold of one percent RAM utilization.

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New Active Nodes, May 29 – June 5

Total new: 19

  • Belgium: 3
  • Vietnam: 6
  • Switzerland: 1
  • United States: 4
  • Netherlands: 4
  • Ukraine: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2340
Sleeping nodes: 307
Total nodes: 2647

Cores 62,544 -6.22%
RAM 406,241 GB -6.31%
SSD 9,641,097 GB -3.13%
HDD 29,767,077 GB -1.32%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 2,012 76%
1 Month 1,366 52%
3 Months 821 31%
6 Months 471 18%
9 Months 318 12%
1 Year 138 5%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 2,258 / 61,768 (3.66%)
RAM 2,958 / 400,892 GB (0.74%)
SSD 54,351 / 9,624,506 GB (0.56%)
HDD 1,074 / 29,515,027 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 95 / 776 (12.24%)
RAM 287 / 5,349 GB (5.37%)
SSD 3,143 / 16,592 GB (18.94%)
HDD 0 / 252,050 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 2,353 / 62,544 (3.76%)
RAM 3,246 / 406,241 GB (0.8%)
SSD 57,494 / 9,641,097 GB (0.6%)
HDD 1,074 / 29,767,077 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, June 5 – 12

Total new: 85

  • United States: 4
  • Belgium: 12
  • Ukraine: 60
  • Vietnam: 8
  • Australia: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2313
Sleeping nodes: 322
Total nodes: 2635

Cores 61,836 -1.13%
RAM 401,187 GB -1.24%
SSD 9,530,051 GB -1.15%
HDD 26,935,349 GB -9.51%


Uptime greater than # of Nodes % of active nodes
1 Week 1,841 70%
1 Month 1,221 46%
3 Months 747 28%
6 Months 479 18%
9 Months 319 12%
1 Year 138 5%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 2,295 / 61,064 (3.76%)
RAM 3,015 / 395,847 GB (0.76%)
SSD 54,017 / 9,513,515 GB (0.57%)
HDD 1,074 / 26,683,299 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 93 / 772 (12.05%)
RAM 287 / 5,340 GB (5.37%)
SSD 3,146 / 16,536 GB (19.03%)
HDD 0 / 252,050 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 2,388 / 61,836 (3.86%)
RAM 3,302 / 401,187 GB (0.82%)
SSD 57,164 / 9,530,051 GB (0.6%)
HDD 1,074 / 26,935,349 GB (0.0%)