Grid Stats - New Nodes & Utilization Overview

New Active Nodes, September 26–October 3

Total: 55

  • Vietnam: 3
  • Ukraine: 8
  • United States: 9
  • Portugal: 10
  • Germany: 2
  • Netherlands: 1
  • Belgium: 2
  • India: 1
  • Canada: 17
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • North Macedonia: 1


These figures do not include memory and SSD reserved by Zero OS.

Mainnet Utilization

Cores: 395 / 67543 (0.58%)
RAM: 1137 / 431745 GB (0.26%)
SSD: 20575 / 9740491 GB (0.21%)
HDD: 86 / 34127028 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores: 174 / 823 (21.14%)
RAM: 390 / 5743 GB (6.8%)
SSD: 7105 / 21816 GB (32.57%)
HDD: 2362 / 253793 GB (0.93%)

Total Utilization

Cores: 569 / 68366 (0.83%)
RAM: 1527 / 437488 GB (0.35%)
SSD: 27680 / 9762307 GB (0.28%)
HDD: 2448 / 34380820 GB (0.01%)


Hey everybody, I missed a week, but we’re back with new nodes and grid utilization stats.

New Active Nodes, October 10–17

Total: 54

  • Vietnam: 18
  • United States: 13
  • Ukraine: 11
  • Netherlands: 7
  • Canada: 1
  • Germany: 1
  • United Kingdom: 2
  • Philippines: 1


Mainnet Utilization

Cores: 551 / 68915 (0.8%)
RAM: 1043 / 441664 GB (0.24%)
SSD: 19886 / 9814425 GB (0.2%)
HDD: 86 / 34563304 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores: 128 / 788 (16.24%)
RAM: 313 / 5547 GB (5.64%)
SSD: 3485 / 19875 GB (17.54%)
HDD: 2362 / 254050 GB (0.93%)

Total Utilization

Cores: 679 / 69703 (0.97%)
RAM: 1356 / 447211 GB (0.3%)
SSD: 23371 / 9834300 GB (0.24%)
HDD: 2448 / 34817354 GB (0.01%)


New Active Nodes, October 17–24

Total: 41

  • Vietnam: 7
  • Netherlands: 2
  • United States: 12
  • Portugal: 2
  • Ukraine: 12
  • Canada: 3
  • Switzerland: 1
  • India: 1
  • Germany: 1


Mainnet Utilization

Cores: 556 / 67728 (0.82%)
RAM: 1213 / 436791 GB (0.28%)
SSD: 22174 / 9802211 GB (0.23%)
HDD: 86 / 34479709 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores: 148 / 792 (18.69%)
RAM: 331 / 5551 GB (5.96%)
SSD: 3898 / 19984 GB (19.51%)
HDD: 2362 / 254050 GB (0.93%)

Total Utilization

Cores: 704 / 68520 (1.03%)
RAM: 1544 / 442342 GB (0.35%)
SSD: 26072 / 9822196 GB (0.27%)
HDD: 2448 / 34733759 GB (0.01%)


New Active Nodes, October 24–31

Total: 52

  • Ukraine: 7
  • United Kingdom: 3
  • India: 2
  • Netherlands: 2
  • Portugal: 5
  • Germany: 1
  • United States: 13
  • Canada: 8
  • Vietnam: 3
  • Belgium: 5
  • Poland: 2
  • Australia: 1


Mainnet Utilization

Cores: 609 / 69363 (0.88%)
RAM: 1338 / 447011 GB (0.3%)
SSD: 27569 / 10134515 GB (0.27%)
HDD: 0 / 34548894 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores: 108 / 776 (13.92%)
RAM: 309 / 5538 GB (5.57%)
SSD: 3738 / 19580 GB (19.09%)
HDD: 2362 / 254050 GB (0.93%)

Total Utilization

Cores: 717 / 70139 (1.02%)
RAM: 1647 / 452549 GB (0.36%)
SSD: 31307 / 10154095 GB (0.31%)
HDD: 2362 / 34802944 GB (0.01%)


Hi everybody, back here with another installment of grid stats. I’ve two new sections this time, to give a more complete picture of what’s happening with nodes.

While new nodes are pretty easy to track, it’s much harder to know when nodes leave the grid. Nodes that go offline may or may not come back later, and if they do come back it might be with a new node id!

With that in mind, I’m adding a “missing in action” section, which records how many nodes showed their last online activity during the previously reported period (the week before last). The other section calculates the total change in online capacity since the last report. For the purposes of this report, any node that was online during the last 24 hours is counted as online.


New Active Nodes, October 31–November 7

Total: 31

  • Brazil: 1
  • Vietnam: 5
  • Canada: 2
  • United States: 13
  • Portugal: 5
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • Germany: 1
  • Poland: 1
  • Ukraine: 2

MIA Nodes

Total: 50

This number is surprisingly high to me. I will note that while the trend in available capacity has been generally up among previous reports, it did actually fall this time, as we’ll see below. In the future, node ids should be tied more permanently to one system, so it should be more clear when hardware is actually going offline versus getting a new node id.

Total Capacity

Cores 69,931 -0.3%
RAM 449,750 GB -0.6%
SSD 10,034,791 GB -1.18%
HDD 34,740,779 GB -0.17%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 899 / 69148 1.3%
RAM 1872 / 444198 GB 0.42%
SSD 36956 / 10014807 GB 0.37%
HDD 103 / 34486729 GB 0.0%

Testnet Utilization

Cores 139 / 783 17.75%
RAM 366 / 5552 GB 6.59%
SSD 4276 / 19984 GB 21.4%
HDD 2362 / 254050 GB 0.93%

Total Utilization

Cores 1038 / 69931 1.48%
RAM 2238 / 449750 GB 0.5%
SSD 41232 / 10034791 GB 0.41%
HDD 2465 / 34740779 GB 0.01%


New Active Nodes, November 8–15

Total new nodes: 43

  • Netherlands: 15
  • United States: 8
  • United Arab Emirates: 1
  • Portugal: 9
  • Canada: 4
  • Vietnam: 5
  • United Kingdom: 1

Missing in action nodes: 74

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2922

Cores 71,279 +1.93%
RAM 459,433 GB +2.15%
SSD 10,281,941 GB +2.46%
HDD 348,92,516 GB +0.43%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 885 / 70455 (1.26%)
RAM 1936 / 453854 GB (0.43%)
SSD 37479 / 10259206 GB (0.37%)
HDD 0 / 34638465 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 161 / 824 (19.54%)
RAM 402 / 5579 GB (7.21%)
SSD 5289 / 22735 GB (23.26%)
HDD 2362 / 254050 GB (0.93%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1046 / 71279 (1.47%)
RAM 2339 / 459433 GB (0.51%)
SSD 42767 / 10281941 GB (0.42%)
HDD 2362 / 34892516 GB (0.01%)

Growth in the number of nodes and percentage growth in utilization. Utilization is growing faster than new nodes being added to the grid :partying_face:

1 Like

I bet that utilization growth is due to zonaris.


Hi everyone, back again with Grid Stats. This week, I’ve removed the “missing in action” nodes count. I found that the number was suggesting that the number of nodes on the grid was shrinking, when it actually wasn’t. I think this could be caused by node ids that get quickly replaced for some reason and are effectively duplicates. It’s possible that some of these get picked up in the new node count too, as I count any node ids that were updated in the last 24 hours.

I’ll be looking for ways to further refine the data input, algorithms, and also the output automation going foward.


New Active Nodes, November 15–22

Total new: 52

  • Belgium: 4
  • Egypt: 1
  • Netherlands: 3
  • Canada: 1
  • Croatia: 1
  • Ukraine: 7
  • United States: 6
  • Vietnam: 4
  • Portugal: 21
  • Cyprus: 1
  • Slovakia: 1
  • Italy: 1
  • Philippines: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2932 (+10)

Cores 72,596 +1.81%
RAM 466,775 GB +1.57%
SSD 10,361,920 GB +0.77%
HDD 34,838,915 GB -0.15%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 947 / 71773 (1.32%)
RAM 2000 / 461197 GB (0.43%)
SSD 35578 / 10341451 GB (0.34%)
HDD 0 / 34578863 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 177 / 823 (21.51%)
RAM 435 / 5578 GB (7.79%)
SSD 6007 / 20468 GB (29.35%)
HDD 2362 / 260051 GB (0.91%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1124 / 72596 (1.55%)
RAM 2435 / 466775 GB (0.52%)
SSD 41586 / 10361920 GB (0.4%)
HDD 2362 / 34838915 GB (0.01%)


New Active Nodes, November 22 - 29

Total new: 28

  • Austria: 1
  • Ukraine: 7
  • Portugal: 5
  • United States: 3
  • Netherlands: 4
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • Vietnam: 1
  • France: 1
  • Canada: 5

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2989 (+57)

Cores 72,719 +0.169%
RAM 467,035 GB +0.05%
SSD 10,345,779 GB -0.15%
HDD 34,915,521 GB +0.21%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1007 / 71892 (1.4%)
RAM 2003 / 461451 GB (0.43%)
SSD 35359 / 10324418 GB (0.34%)
HDD 0 / 34655469 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 167 / 827 (20.19%)
RAM 418 / 5584 GB (7.48%)
SSD 5778 / 21361 GB (27.05%)
HDD 2362 / 260051 GB (0.91%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1174 / 72719 (1.61%)
RAM 2421 / 467035 GB (0.52%)
SSD 41136 / 10345779 GB (0.4%)
HDD 2362 / 34915521 GB (0.01%)

New Active Nodes, November 29 - December 6

Total new: 19

  • Egypt: 1
  • Netherlands: 7
  • Canada: 5
  • Germany: 1
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • Turkey: 1
  • Vietnam: 1
  • Portugal: 1
  • United States: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2959 (-30)

Cores 72,475 -0.34%
RAM 466,331 GB -0.15%
SSD 10,486,895 GB 1.36%
HDD 34,683,214 GB -0.67%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 922 / 71649 (1.29%)
RAM 1923 / 460750 GB (0.42%)
SSD 35672 / 10465627 GB (0.34%)
HDD 0 / 34423163 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 183 / 826 (22.15%)
RAM 431 / 5581 GB (7.72%)
SSD 5777 / 21268 GB (27.16%)
HDD 2362 / 260051 GB (0.91%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1105 / 72475 (1.52%)
RAM 2353 / 466331 GB (0.5%)
SSD 41448 / 10486895 GB (0.4%)
HDD 2362 / 34683214 GB (0.01%)

New Active Nodes, December 7 – 13

Total new: 24

  • Tanzania: 1
  • Germany: 1
  • France: 1
  • United States: 7
  • Ukraine: 2
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • Portugal: 1
  • Canada: 1
  • United Arab Emirates: 1
  • Netherlands: 1
  • Italy: 1
  • India: 1
  • Belgium: 1
  • Vietnam: 1
  • Thailand: 2
  • Sweden: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2981 (+22)

Cores 72740 +0.37%
RAM 468384 GB +0.44%
SSD 10555360 GB +0.65%
HDD 34848271 GB +0.48%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1012 / 71914 (1.41%)
RAM 2008 / 462803 GB (0.43%)
SSD 35797 / 10534092 GB (0.34%)
HDD 0 / 34588220 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 246 / 826 (29.78%)
RAM 456 / 5581 GB (8.17%)
SSD 6643 / 21268 GB (31.23%)
HDD 2362 / 260051 GB (0.91%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1258 / 72740 (1.73%)
RAM 2464 / 468384 GB (0.53%)
SSD 42440 / 10555360 GB (0.4%)
HDD 2362 / 34848271 GB (0.01%)

Hey everybody,

After a little holiday break from the grid stats last week, we’re back with one last report for 2022 :partying_face:

Taking a quick peek back to my first update that included utilization numbers, back at the end of August, we can see that utilization in every category except HDD has increased substantially:

Cores: 479 -> 1150 (+140%)
RAM: 1191 GB -> 2465 GB (+107%)
SSD: 23,459 GB -> 41,136 GB (+75%)
HDD: 2362 GB -> 2362 GB

Even with the growth of the Grid, we have seen utilization growth outpace it such that total utilization has also increased in percentage terms, though a bit less dramatically than the absolute numbers. Here’s to another year of growth for ThreeFold in 2023 :clinking_glasses:

New Active Nodes, December 19 – 26

Total new: 28

  • United States: 20
  • Ukraine: 7
  • Pakistan: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2986 (+5)

Cores 71,697 -1.43%
RAM 462,222 GB -1.32%
SSD 10,449,210 GB -1.01%
HDD 34,284,106 GB -1.62%

Mainnet Utilization

Cores 964 / 70,876 (1.36%)
RAM 2041 / 456,652 GB (0.45%)
SSD 34,420 / 10,427,866 GB (0.33%)
HDD 0 / 34,024,184 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 186 / 821 (22.66%)
RAM 424 / 5570 GB (7.62%)
SSD 6715 / 21,344 GB (31.46%)
HDD 2362 / 259,923 GB (0.91%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1150 / 71,697 (1.6%)
RAM 2465 / 462,222 GB (0.53%)
SSD 41,136 / 10,449,210 GB (0.39%)
HDD 2362 / 34,284,106 GB (0.01%)

New Active Nodes, December 27 – January 2

Total new: 27

  • Canada: 1
  • Vietnam: 3
  • Portugal: 3
  • Netherlands: 2
  • Ukraine: 1
  • United States: 15
  • Czechia: 1
  • India: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2968 (-18)

Cores 71,853 +0.22%
RAM 461,791 GB -0.09%
SSD 10,448,474 GB -0.01%
HDD 34,280,863 GB -0.01%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 851 / 71,056 (1.2%)
RAM 1744 / 456,399 GB (0.38%)
SSD 32502 / 10,427,695 GB (0.31%)
HDD 0 / 34,029,942 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 166 / 797 (20.83%)
RAM 392 / 5,392 GB (7.27%)
SSD 6506 / 20,778 GB (31.31%)
HDD 2362 / 250,921 GB (0.94%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1017 / 71,853 (1.42%)
RAM 2136 / 461,791 GB (0.46%)
SSD 39008 / 10,448,474 GB (0.37%)
HDD 2362 / 34,280,863 GB (0.01%)

New Active Nodes, January 2 – 9

Total new: 17

  • Czechia: 1
  • India: 1
  • Netherlands: 1
  • United States: 12
  • United Kingdom: 2

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2952 (-16)

Cores 70,768 -1.51%
RAM 453,457 GB -1.8%
SSD 10,361,270 GB -0.83%
HDD 34,315,219 GB +0.1%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 809 / 69968 (1.16%)
RAM 1725 / 447894 GB (0.39%)
SSD 33181 / 10340483 GB (0.32%)
HDD 0 / 34063169 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 151 / 800 (18.88%)
RAM 378 / 5564 GB (6.8%)
SSD 5033 / 20787 GB (24.21%)
HDD 2362 / 252050 GB (0.94%)

Total Utilization

Cores 960 / 70768 (1.36%)
RAM 2103 / 453457 GB (0.46%)
SSD 38214 / 10361270 GB (0.37%)
HDD 2362 / 34315219 GB (0.01%)

New Active Nodes, January 9 – 16

Total new: 8

  • United States: 4
  • Ukraine: 1
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • Singapore: 1
  • Netherlands: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2910 (-42)

Cores 69512 -1.77%
RAM 443,545 GB -2.19%
SSD 10,207,145 GB -1.49%
HDD 34,049,139 GB -0.78%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 718 / 68712 (1.04%)
RAM 1666 / 437,981 GB (0.38%)
SSD 33966 / 10,186,359 GB (0.33%)
HDD 0 / 33,799,451 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 186 / 800 (23.25%)
RAM 390 / 5,564 GB (7.01%)
SSD 5372 / 20,787 GB (25.84%)
HDD 0 / 249,688 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 904 / 69,512 (1.3%)
RAM 2056 / 443,545 GB (0.46%)
SSD 39338 / 10,207,145 GB (0.39%)
HDD 0 / 34,049,139 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, January 16 – 23

Total new: 5

  • United States: 3
  • United Kingdom: 2

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2875 (-35)

Cores 69,153 -0.52%
RAM 441,353 GB -0.49%
SSD 10,175,490 GB -0.31%
HDD 34,167,724 GB +0.35%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 833 / 68,350 (1.22%)
RAM 1,872 / 435,788 GB (0.43%)
SSD 33,470 / 10,154,541 GB (0.33%)
HDD 0 / 33,918,037 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 197 / 803 (24.53%)
RAM 406 / 5,566 GB (7.3%)
SSD 5394 / 20,949 GB (25.75%)
HDD 0 / 249,688 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1030 / 69,153 (1.49%)
RAM 2278 / 441,353 GB (0.52%)
SSD 38864 / 10,175,490 GB (0.38%)
HDD 0 / 34,167,724 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, January 23 – 30

Total new: 9

  • United States: 3
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • Netherlands: 2
  • Ukraine: 3

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2846 (-29)

Cores 67,990 -1.68%
RAM 434,562 GB -1.54%
SSD 10,076,911 GB -0.97%
HDD 34,192,756 GB 0.07%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 884 / 67,207 (1.32%)
RAM 1920 / 429,033 GB (0.45%)
SSD 33396 / 10,056,318 GB (0.33%)
HDD 0 / 33,943,197 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 157 / 783 (20.05%)
RAM 374 / 5,529 GB (6.77%)
SSD 5,065 / 20,593 GB (24.6%)
HDD 0 / 249,559 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1,041 / 67,990 (1.53%)
RAM 2,294 / 434,562 GB (0.53%)
SSD 38,462 / 10,076,911 GB (0.38%)
HDD 0 / 34,192,756 GB (0.0%)
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New Active Nodes, January 30 – February 6

Total new: 15

  • Ukraine: 4
  • United States: 8
  • United Kingdom: 2
  • Vietnam: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2846 (+0)

Cores 67,353 -0.94%
RAM 428,937 GB -1.29%
SSD 10,085,290 GB 0.08%
HDD 34,054,667 GB -0.4%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1,148 / 66,559 (1.72%)
RAM 2,065 / 423,392 GB (0.49%)
SSD 37,573 / 10,065,312 GB (0.37%)
HDD 86 / 33,802,746 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 160 / 794 (20.15%)
RAM 376 / 5,545 GB (6.78%)
SSD 5099 / 19,977 GB (25.52%)
HDD 0 / 251,921 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1308 / 67,353 (1.94%)
RAM 2,441 / 428,937 GB (0.57%)
SSD 42,671 / 10,085,290 GB (0.42%)
HDD 86 / 34,054,667 GB (0.0%)

New Active Nodes, February 6 – 13

Total new: 26

  • Belgium: 3
  • United States: 11
  • Canada: 4
  • United Kingdom: 1
  • Netherlands: 4
  • Germany: 1
  • Portugal: 1
  • France: 1

Total Capacity

Online nodes: 2863 (+17)

Cores 67,477 0.18%
RAM 429,914 GB 0.23%
SSD 10,080,715 GB -0.05%
HDD 34,084,583 GB 0.09%


Mainnet Utilization

Cores 1,098 / 66,647 (1.65%)
RAM 2,083 / 424,117 GB (0.49%)
SSD 41,607 / 10,057,248 GB (0.41%)
HDD 107 / 33,832,662 GB (0.0%)

Testnet Utilization

Cores 162 / 830 (19.52%)
RAM 378 / 5,797 GB (6.52%)
SSD 5,062 / 23,468 GB (21.57%)
HDD 0 / 251,921 GB (0.0%)

Total Utilization

Cores 1,260 / 67,477 (1.87%)
RAM 2,461 / 429,914 GB (0.57%)
SSD 46,669 / 10,080,715 GB (0.46%)
HDD 107 / 34,084,583 GB (0.0%)