Threefold/Mycelium UX

It’s good that continuous work is being done on the UX of the website. What are the plans for the Threefold website and that of Mycelium? Will these remain separate or will they be integrated into one another?

Mycelium is a beautiful metaphor and captures the imagination.

I would like to offer some feedback on the website’s UX. As a visitor to the website, it’s challenging to get a clear picture of the project. The first impression teaches you that it’s about rebuilding a decentralized internet or cloud from the ground up, among other things. Personally, I think few visitors attach value to this since most users still use centralized apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, etc. Moreover, there is also a lot of competition in storage (IPFS, Filecoin, Arweave, Akash etc.). Furthermore, the emphasis is strongly on the farmers of the project, while the value of the TFT coin also strongly depends on the users i.e., buyers of the coin. The higher the value of the coin, the better the project can flourish.

It took a while before I discovered the real added value of Threefold/Mycelium, namely the use of personal AI agents (3bots, digital twins, or whatever you want to call them). In my opinion, personal AI agents will change the way we use the internet, just as smartphones have changed the way we use the internet. Thus, classic web pages will become less relevant. These personal AI agents will be trained with very personal data of the user (private photos, emails, phone conversations, medical data, relational data, etc.). In short, over the years, these agents will be trained with a large part of our life history as a user. Eventually, these agents will grow into our personal advisors who assist us with our most intimate data and at the most intimate moments. At this point, Threefold can excel by protecting privacy in a way that is also quantum-resistant.

Ultimately, these personal AI agents can lead to pseudo-immortality. Surviving relatives can still talk to the agent after your death, and it will respond in the manner and with the appearance of the deceased. Here too, Threefold can excel because nobody wants to entrust such valuable matters to a central party that is not quantum computer proof.

In short, in my opinion, personal AI agents are the killer app of Threefold/Mycelium. Moreover, if Threefold wants to rebuild the internet, it will have to take into account how the future internet will be used.

What do you think, do you also see this as the killer app and should there be more emphasis on this?

Shouldn’t there be a call to action on the homepage with a simple way to create an agent?

I am thinking of 3 steps:

  1. Linking an agent to your ID, selecting an open-source model (such as Llama 2, Mistral, Orca 2 or whatever new model) etc.
  2. Uploading/feeding personal training data
  3. Deploying, optionally giving permission to communicate with other agents or Web2 applications (composability) etc.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on our web presence. I’ll also tag in @gosam here to make note of those and maybe respond from his perspective.

Regarding your ideas on personal AI agents, we absolutely agree that this is the killer app for the ThreeFold network. We call the concept “digital twin”, and it’s been a part of the plan for years now.

So far most of our efforts have been focused on building the foundational layer that can enable twins to operate in the way you describe, with autonomy, security, and privacy for the user. Some of us have been doing some initial work on deploying self hosted chat bots on the network and also integrating AI chat in the deployment process.

Part of how we imagine the twin is as a “virtual system administrator” who can help with managing all of the IT needs of individuals and orgs in a super intuitive manner.

There’s a lot of work to still be done, of course, but the current maturity both of the base layer we’ve developed and of open source AI make this a very promising moment for sure.