Proposition about Grid v3 vesting scheme

I have a question/proposition for the vesting scheme on v3.
As it is right now, 100% of the farming rewards get vested for 24 months or up to 30% utilisation.
Thing is that all these tokens that are vested it will grow the token price to a fictitious price, and when the 24 months pass for early nodes/farmers they will try to take advantage of that price massively selling the token and bring down the price to unimagined level. Am I wrong about that?
Also the 100% vesting will not give the appropriate funds to farmers for electricity, maintenance and upgrade of their nodes that will have to fully cover it by themselves with a hope that as soon the vesting scheme get over will try to redeem them as fast as they can when the price is still up.
My proposition is to leave a 20-30% of the tokens not vested, for farmers being able to cover some expenses, and when the vesting time out it will not be selling the tokens with a massive rate.
What do you all think about it?


I think this will probably be one of the first proposals done for the DOA and will probably be approved at some percent. Btw, the vesting hasn’t started yet,but will soonish?


Doing some figuring on average running costs for different setups and locations will be a first step in determining what percent is needed. I think having a certain (low) percent available is also important for price stability. Don’t want a massive accidently coordinated selloff if everyone gets unlocked at the same time.


Or other ideas…1) all farming rewards can be spent freely on tfgrid (and any tft earned from utilization is naturally not locked). 2) unlock a percentage of the tokens continuously or semi regularly. Say 4% per month such that it takes about 24months to fully unlock. Hypothetically if you have 1000tft of continued monthly farming you would unlock a total of 40tft month 1, 80tft month 2, etc. Then by year two you’re unlocking the equivalent of the full amount each month


I totally agree that there could be some small changes which enables us to use tft and ThreeFold in a better way. As I hope for the long run I wouldn´t say 30%, more like 15-20% max.
I would also like to be able to spend my earned/locked tft on the grid itself for services.
Last but not least it would be very cool if I could use ressources on my own node for myself. I would love to reserve 10% of my node ressources for myself, for example for VMs. Of cause I shouldn´t get payed for those 10%.
Maybe they could also implement a “charity” option? Either to donate some tft to a charity or a comunity project? Some kind of crowdfunding/invest in grid projects on tft basis.


Hello, all very good and interesting views. As @FLnelson said the vesting is not activated in the current farming rewards scheme. We have written down in the wiki what we believe is a possible way to make the token price not fluctuate too much, but - as stated - vesting in a way is postponing the issue to a later date.

Before this is implemented I feel that we will go to the community and ask what is the best way to do this, so please keep posting ideas and opinions.


I like both those ideas. Perhaps even donate utilization to a charitable cause