How to use BSC > Stellar TFT Bridge

The TF Connect App actually doesn’t generate or manage BSC addresses. It only works with Stellar and TF Chain based TFT.

Have you tried sending TFT on BSC from Metamask or another wallet to a Threefold wallet?
I have tried that several times on different wallets and have not been able to so far.

Not sure if I understand what you mean, but you must go through the bridge to go from BSC to Stellar Chain.

Sending TFT from Metamask walelt to a Stellar wallet directly will not work.

Hey Mik,

What I am basically saying is that I have not been able to send BSC based TFT purchased on Pancakeswap from my Metamask wallet to my Threefold connect wallet TFT BSC address. I am also saying that the bridge from Stellar to BSC is not working for me and that I believe it has something to do with the addresses the TFT wallet generates.

I’d be happy to post transactions on the blockchain confirming this if that is needed.

OK thanks for the details.

I know there is actually an issue with the bridge. Here’s the statement by Mahendra on the TF telegram channel:

In regards to the bridge issue: There is a low amount of full nodes running on BSC, which are needed to serve all light clients (which we among others use for the bridge). As a result, we can’t submit calls due to a lack of peers. We are working on a solution by setting up our own full node on the grid.

This might be linked to your situation.


Yeah could be.
I guess I should run my own BNB node. Shouldn’t be a problem as I have the 10,000 BNB to run a full node just laying around. :smiley:

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Well problem solved then @antongreydon :laughing:

Hello I’m very new to this and can’t figure out how to sell TFT anyone have a video or more simple way to do this? Every time I can my Metamask tft QR code from my threefold app wallet it says “Please enter a valid address” Can anyone point me to the right direction thank you.

How can I bridge TFT from Stellar chain to TF Chain and vice versa?

Deposit – Send TFT to TF Chain

  1. Go over to the “Swap” tab at the left side of the (portal page).
  2. Click on deposit and you will see the message along with a QR Code - Send a STELLAR transaction with your TFT’s to deposit to:
    • Memo Text: twin_####
  3. Head over to your TF Connect app > wallet section > send coins.
  4. At this point, “Stellar” will be highlighted in blue. Proceed to scan the QR Code shown on your desktop via the scan QR option (top right) in the app.
  5. Confirm your transaction when the “Confirm” button highlights in blue.

Withdraw – Send TFT from TF Chain to Stellar

  1. Go over to the “Swap” tab at the left side of the (portal page).
  2. Click on “Withdraw” and you will receive the notification, “Interact with the bridge in order to withdraw your TFT to STELLAR (withdraw fee is: 1 TFT)”
  3. Please insert the Stellar wallet address followed by the amount of TFTs you would like to transfer. We recommend testing a small amount. Since the withdraw fee is: 1 TFT, ideally 2TFT should do to test.
  4. Click on submit.
  5. Post the submission, give it a few minutes and check the Stellar wallet address in the explorer:

How can I bridge TFT from Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to Stellar (and vice versa)?

To use the BSC-Stellar Bridge, follow the following steps. If this is your first time with MetaMask and BSC, read the section How to Set Up TFT on Metamask below.

Note: Always start with a small amount the first time you try the Bridge.

How to use the BSC-Stellar Bridge

To use the BSC-Stellar Bridge, follow the following steps. If this is your first time with MetaMask and BSC, read the section Setting up TFT on Metamask.

Note: Always start with a small amount the first time you try the Bridge.

Bridge from Stellar to BSC


  • Metamask account

  • TF Connect App+Wallet

  • TFT on Stellar Blockchain


  1. Go to the BSC-Stellar Bridge website.

  2. Connect your MetaMask Wallet.

  3. Sign in with MetaMask.

  4. Choose the option Deposit from Stellar.

  5. Agree to the Threefold Terms.

  6. Read and tick the box of the Warning Message.

  7. On your phone, open up your Threefold Connect App and go to the wallet section.

  8. Select the option Send.

  9. Select the Stellar chain.

  10. Click on the button Scan QR Code . The QR Code option automatically fill up your MESSAGE.

  11. Scan the QR code that appears on the Bridge window (or write the information manually).

  12. Make sure the MESSAGE is correctly entered.

  13. Press Send Tokens.

  14. Press Confirm.

In this method, you use the Bridge directly. Thus, it is normal if you do not see your standard MetaMask address. MetaMask is on ERC20 and TFT is on Stellar. You are sending TFT to the Bridge’s address, and the Bridge sends money to your wallet afterward.

Bridge from BSC to Stellar


  • Metamask account

  • TF Connect App+Wallet

  • BNB for gas fees

  • TFT


  1. Go to the BSC-Stellar Bridge website.

  2. Connect your MetaMask Wallet.

  3. Sign in with MetaMask.

  4. Choose the option Deposit from BSC.

  5. Agree to the Threefold Terms.

  6. Read and tick the box of the Warning Message.

  7. On your phone, open up your Threefold Connect App and go to the wallet section.

  8. Copy your Stellar address.

  9. Paste your Stellar address in the proper field on The BSC-Stellar Bridge.

  10. Enter the amount of TFT you want to bridge.

  11. Click on Withdraw.

  12. Follow the instructions on your Metamask Wallet.

General Tips

  • It’s a good idea to start with a small amount the first time.

  • The process is usually quick, but it can take up to 48h. In doubt, contact TF Support.

  • Going from Stellar to BSC costs 100 TFT.

  • Going from BSC to Stellar costs 1 TFT.

  • There is also fixed fee of 0.01 TFT when using the Stellar Blockchain.

  • Gas fees on BSC is usually around 5-20 gwei.

  • You can try the bridge later if gas fees are high at the moment of your transaction.

How to Set Up TFT on Metamask

  • Download Metamask here. Then, install the Metamask extension in your local browser.

  • Create a Metamask account

  • Switch the network to Binance chain . You will have to create a new network with following information):

  • Mainnet

  • Network Name: Smart Chain

  • New RPC URL:

  • ChainID: 56

  • Symbol: BNB

  • Block Explorer URL:

  • Add TFT token in Metamask -> custom token -> contract address = 0x8f0FB159380176D324542b3a7933F0C2Fd0c2bbf

How to setup a Stellar address for TFT transactions?

You can use any Stellar wallet that has a TFT trustline enabled.

The easiest way is to simply create an account on the Threefold Connect App (for Android and iOS) and then use the TFT wallet of the app, which has by default a TFT trustline on Stellar chain.

How long does it take when you use the BSC-Stellar Bridge?

The bridge will process deposits/withdrawals within 48 hours.

What are the cost when bridging from Stellar to MetaMask and from MetaMask to Stellar?

It will cost 100 TFT for the former, and 1 TFT for the latter. There is a fixed fee of 0.01 TFT when using the Stellar blockchain. Those fees are taken from the total of what you are bridging. For example, if you Bridge 80 TFT, from Stellar to MetaMask, you will receive 30 TFT.

What is the network information to access BSC for the Threefold token? What is the token address for adding the token in the MetaMask app?

Here it is:

BSC TFT Token Address: 0x8f0FB159380176D324542b3a7933F0C2Fd0c2bbf

For more information, read this.


Hey Mik,

We’ll need to update this section of guidelines to correspond with the current TF Portal interface. Revised guidelines are below:

Deposit – Send TFT to TF Chain

  1. Go over to the “Swap” tab at the left side of the (portal page).
  2. Click on deposit and you will see the message along with a QR Code - Send a STELLAR transaction with your TFT’s to deposit to:
    • Memo Text: twin_####
  3. Head over to your TF Connect app > wallet section > send coins.
  4. At this point, “Stellar” will be highlighted in blue. Proceed to scan the QR Code shown on your desktop via the scan QR option (top right) in the app.
  5. Confirm your transaction when the “Confirm” button highlights in blue.

Withdraw – Send TFT from TF Chain to Stellar

  1. Go over to the “Swap” tab at the left side of the (portal page).
  2. Click on “Withdraw” and you will receive the notification, “Interact with the bridge in order to withdraw your TFT to STELLAR (withdraw fee is: 1 TFT)”
  3. Please insert the Stellar wallet address followed by the amount of TFTs you would like to transfer. We recommend testing a small amount. Since the withdraw fee is: 1 TFT, ideally 2TFT should do to test. (I can acknowledge I personally tested and it worked fine).
  4. Click on submit.
  5. Post the submission, give it a few minutes and check the Stellar wallet address in the explorer:
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OK. I updated the steps above. Thanks.


I tried to send few TFTs as a test from my stellar wallet (threefold app) to metamask wallet with BNB chain via threefold BSC bridge, the funds never got to my metamask wallet, on threefold wallet I see 3 transactions one send of gas fees, another send of 10 tokens, and then a receive of 9 tokens.
when I scanned the QR code on the bridge the threefold app notified me that there are no wallets with balance for TFT.
am I doing something wrong? Metamask wallet also has some BNB and I have imported TFT token with the above address.

You have to pay 100 tokens as fee to move coins to Binance Chain.
follow this.

The link to pancake swap is not working anymore

Seems there’s probably a few outdated links in the original post. Thanks for the report.