Category | Topics |
Ecosystem DevelopmentsDiscussions about the ThreeFold ecosystem. Ask questions or receive news about partnerships, opportunities, ways to participate, and other related items.
Community ConversationsDiscussions for us to connect as a community to share, collaborate and grow the ThreeFold ecosystem. By the people, for the people.
ThreeFold FarmingDiscussions about farming TFT, the utility token of ThreeFold. Ask questions or receive news about about farming, hardware, software, and other related items.
ThreeFold Token (TFT)This category is for anyone interested in buying and selling TFT. Ask questions or receive news about about TFT, staking, accessibility, and other related items.
ThreeFold TechnologyDiscussions about the ThreeFold’s Grid’s technology. Ask questions or receive news about about our operating system, blockchain, cloud infrastructure, and other core components.
Development & TestingThis category is for developers and anyone interested in testing / deploying on ThreeFold’s latest releases.
ThreeFold Grid UtilizationCategory for people creating and/or trying/testing solutions on top of the TF Grid.
DAOThreeFold is a decentralized organization and wants to operate as a DAO = Decentralized Autonomous Org. As such we have created this section to work with the different topics the DAO has to work with.