Weekly Manual Update News

In this dedicated post, we aim to keep our community informed and engaged by highlighting the latest and most important updates from the ThreeFold Manual - https://manual.grid.tf. Whether it’s a new article or a new how-to tutorial, we’ll bring you the freshest content to ensure you stay at the forefront of TFGrid knowledge. So, let’s dive in!

General Updates

Manual Migration - In Progress

We are currently in the process of migrating our manual documentation from https://manual.threefold.io to the brand new https://manual.grid.tf. As a result, we kindly request that you refer to the new manual for accessing the latest and most up-to-date content of the ThreeFold Manual.

The reason of this migration is mainly due to the change of archiving system for the manual, we are using mdBook for the manual, a n open-source utility to create modern online books from Markdown files.

We have decided to maintain the old manual as an archive. This means that, even after the migration is done, you will still be able to access the previous version for reference and retrieval of older documentation.

Now Added: Mermaid Functionalities

We have now added Mermaid functionalities to the ThreeFold Manual. Mermaid is a powerful and intuitive tool that allows you to create various types of diagrams, including flowcharts, sequences, and more, directly within the manual by using markdown codes. To learn how to use Mermaid effectively, you can refer to the official documentation at https://mermaid.js.org/.

Content Updates

New Navigation System

We have revamped the navigation system of the ThreeFold Manual, designed to provide you with a seamless and user-friendly experience. The new navigation divides the manual into distinct sections, each catering to specific user groups and topics. Let’s take a closer look:

  • Introduction: This section serves as a comprehensive starting point for newcomers to get an overview of ThreeFold.

  • General Information: From understanding the underlying technology to exploring the principles and values that drive the TFGrid, this section is a valuable resource for all users.

  • Farmers: If you’re interested in becoming a farmer or if you’re already part of the farming community, this section is tailored to your needs. Discover detailed guides, best practices, and tips to optimize your farming experience and to contribute to the decentralized internet infrastructure.

  • Developers: For those eager to dive into the technical aspects of the TFGrid, the Developers section is your go-to resource. Explore APIs, SDKs, and development tools to build innovative applications, integrate with the TFGrid, and contribute to its growth.

  • System Administrators: This section provides insights into managing and maintaining TFGrid products. Learn about deployment strategies, security measures, and operational considerations to ensure smooth operations and reliable performance.

NEW! TFGrid v3.10.0 Release Note

From now on, we will be posting release notes on the new manual. The TFGrid Release 3.10.0 Release Notes Now Available in the Manual on Roadmap > Release Notes. You’ll discover a comprehensive overview of the changes, empowering you to leverage the latest capabilities an stay ahead of the curve.

Read TFGrid Release 3.10.0

NEW! Grid Concept: Explore the TFGrid Components

To help you navigate and familiarize yourself with the TFGrid ecosystem, we now provide a comprehensive list of glossary of our product components. Whether you’re a developer, a farmer, or a system administrator, this glossary serves as a foundation for understanding the core building blocks of the TFGrid.

visit Grid3 Components in the Concepts section of the Manual.

TFT Section Doc Updates

ThreeFold Token (TFT) section on the ThreeFold Manual has undergone significant updates, providing you with even more comprehensive and valuable information. Here’s a breakdown of the updated content:

  • Introduction to TFT: Dive into the world of TFT with an enriched introduction that provides a clear overview of the token’s purpose, value, and significance within the ThreeFold ecosystem.

  • TFT Bridges: Learn about the mechanism behind TFT bridges, their purpose, and how they facilitate interoperability and liquidity for TFT holders.

  • Storing TFT: Discover the various wallet options available for securely storing your TFT tokens.

  • Buy and Sell TFT: Explore the process of purchasing and selling TFT tokens from exchange platforms, farmers, and many more.

  • Liquidity Provider (LP): The TFT section now provides comprehensive guidance on how to become a TFT Liquidity provider in various exchange platforms.

Read ThreeFold Token (TFT) section updates on manual.

Terraform Doc Updates

The Terraform section of the ThreeFold Manual has been updated to align with the component release of Terraform on TFGrid v3.10.0. Read more about some amazing Terraform resources such as the Scheduler in the ThreeFold Manual. For more information on how to deploy a VM with a VM, read this section of the manual.

To explore the specific updates, we invite you to visit our Terraform Manual Section (Generic) . This page provides comprehensive details on the changes and improvements made to the Terraform component.

Terraform Manual Section (Generic)
Terraform Scheduler
Deploy Terraform using VM

GraphQL Doc Updates

The manual now features a brand new GraphQL section. In this dedicated section, you’ll find a wealth of information about GraphQL and its applications within the Grid ecosystem, as well as concrete examples on how to use GraphQL to query information about the TFGrid. From an introductory guide to understanding the fundamentals of GraphQL to advanced techniques and best practices, we’ve got you covered.

To get started, head over to the GraphQL Introduction page in the Manual, available at GraphQL Introduction. Dive deeper into the world of GraphQL and learn how to leverage its flexibility to build efficient and scalable APIs.

Visit GraphQL Introduction on manual.

Cloud Pricing and Discounts Doc Updates

The ThreeFold Manual now features updated pricing and discount information for the TFGrid Cloud. With the release of TFGrid v3.10.0, we have revamped the pricing structure and introduced attractive discounts to make the cloud even more accessible and cost-effective.

Explore the new pricing details and discounts on the TFGrid Cloud Pricing on Manual.

TFT Bridge Intro Updates

We have updated the content to include an interactive TFT Bridge Diagram, thanks to Mermaid! This diagram offers a visual representation of the TFT bridge mechanism, making it easier than ever to understand the flow and interactions involved in bridging TFT tokens between different blockchain networks. On the diagram, simply click on a given bridge to open the associated guide.

See TFT Bridges Manual updates

Coming up Next

Go and JavaScript Client - GPU Support and more

Coming soon: Documentations for the latest enhancements for the Go and JavaScript clients. These updates will bring new functionalities, improved performance, and most notably, support for GPU deployment. Get ready to take your applications to new heights! The new documentation on the features will be published once we have added the features on our Mainnet.

Grid Explorer - GPU Support and more

Coming up soon: Manuals on the latest enhancements for Grid Explorer. Soon you will be able to access updated documentation on TFGrid Explorer that will highlight the exciting new feature: GPU support and new filtering capabilities. The new documentation on the features will be published once we have added the features on our Mainnet.

New 3Bot Technology Manual Section

Coming soon: An upcoming book on the 3Bot technology will be available soon in the ThreeFold Manual. We will let you know when this new book is published.

That’s a Wrap!

Thank you for joining us on this weekly ThreeFold Manual update! We hope that this post has provided you with valuable insights into the latest resources available on the manual. We’d like to also show our gratitude to our dedicated developers and manual writers who have contributed to the maintenance of the manual.

If there are specific topics or sections that you feel are missing from the manual, or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to comment below. Your input helps us ensure that the manual remains a comprehensive and user-friendly resource for the community. See you next week for more updates on our Manual!

ThreeFold Product and Documentation Team

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