Vote on compensation for farmers affected by minting issue in July

Hi everyone,

Back in July, we released ThreeFold Grid 3.14. Part of this release was a change in Zero OS that caused some nodes to be incorrectly assigned minting violations related to the use of the farmerbot. This post contains a poll to serve as an advisory vote on whether to pay these farmers TFT from the ThreeFold treasury to make up for their losses due to this event.

As you consider your vote, we’d like to highlight the fact that treasury funds exist for the advancement of the project and ecosystem as a whole. While farmers are of course a crucial part of that equation, each payment from the treasury means that fewer TFT are available to support the project in the future.

Impact and possible outcomes

The total impact is as follows:

  • Approximately 200 nodes
  • Approximately 500,000 TFT

We present three possible outcomes:

  1. Farmers are compensated in full if their node was eligible to mint aside from the noted issue
  2. Farmers are compensated half of what their node would have normally minted
  3. Farmers are not compensated

Please case your vote here:

  • Compensate in full
  • Compensate half
  • Don’t compensate

0 voters

Thanks for voting everyone!

The verdict is in: compensation for farmers will be done. We will share more info in the following days.