ThreeFold node is not registered [RESOLVED]

Hi @ParkerS / @yadalamahendra, could you please help to understand a bit more in the scope of this thread. I’m currently running 4 nodes of a very similar configuration as described above. All four were running for Feb almost non-stop. Today is the 1st of Mar, and I was expecting to start getting some rewards but I still can see the same balance. Do I need somehow to get workloads on these machines, or even if they are just running, will I still get some mined TFT? Or maybe point me in the right section as did not find an exact answer to this question. Thanks in advance!

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Nothing for you to worry about yet! Rewards are typically distributed around the fifth but they have been earlier the last couple months so you should be seeing them any day, you will want to be sure you have a payout stellar address set on

Under portal-> farm, it will be in the top section and says “payout address”


Hi @ParkerS, sorry for bothering again but seems like indeed having problem with the payout for my four nodes there were running last month but today is already 8th and still don’t see any payment occurred. Double checked that the payout address is configured correctly. Could you please advise if anything else shall be checked?

You want to reach out through the chat icon on the main web page, or to one of the staff through telegram, they should be able to access the data needed to see where your trouble us coming from :slight_smile:

Sorry, on the main page, you mean here? Just don’t see any chat options :frowning:

@bgulyaev please reach out through our live chat by clicking on the blue icon in the right bottom corner of the Forum, Dashboard, or website or click the support option in your TF Connect app.

Got resolved it now. Thanks!

Thanks for the feedback @bgulyaev

I put the post as RESOLVED.

If you have more questions or need help, don’t hesitate to write another forum post.