Supporting upgrades in certified nodes

JLKM asked in the farmers Telegram group if certified node owners can make upgrades without losing their certification status. After brief discussion with @andreaspow, initial conclusion is that this is a tough call.

We would at minimum need some kind of process to determine that the added components are new and come from a reputable vendor. That could be having the farmer send documentation in the form of receipts and photographs. Comparing this against info reported by the node after the upgrade could provide some reasonable assurances.

Of course, that’s a process that would need to be managed and thus require resources. Then again, when it comes to larger form certified nodes than Titans, it should be expected that at least replacing a disk from time to time would be necessary, so I think we can’t avoid this question altogether.

For now, I think it’s best to advise Titan owners to avoid upgrades until we can reach a decision. Does anyone have further thoughts on this?


Doesn’t allowing upgrades to Titans conversely open a door to requests for certification of DIY nodes via the same proposed methods? That is, if I can obtain approval to upgrade my Titan by sending a set of documents pertaining to parts I use for the upgrade, why shouldn’t I be allowed to provide a similar set to render my DIY node certified? I ask this as both a Titan and DIY node owner.

Hello and welcome to the forum, @jambazi1 :wave:

The main difference between DIY and certified nodes, aside from hardware origins, is that certified nodes are set to secure boot Zos bootstrap images which have been signed by ThreeFold. Then the BIOS is password protected. Having physical access to nodes also allows verifying keys from the TPM, which could be important to a future iteration of the certification model.

That aside, I think resources necessary to manage such a program is still an important factor. Considering a limited set of upgrade options for a limited amount of nodes sold as certified is more manageable than needing to evaluate full hardware configurations for the breadth of DIY setups.