Stellar Explorer showing TFTs?

why is this disrespectful, without funding from new TF believers we could not fund the token launch.
It’s very normal in such a situation to give the new token buyers an advantage, let’s not forget they don’t have the same conditions as most of you had, so they expect certain benefits, e.g. being able to sell first.
I don’t have absolute authority nor responsibility, I try do to everything I can to do as good as I can for everyone involved, we try to be as transparent as we can about anything e.g. the tokenomics was done with everyone who had interest and we implemented as much suggestions as we could. I had to use a lot of my own personal financial resources to keep the foundation going, as you can imagine I also want this to stop and I want to make sure that the projects get funded, this is my first priority !!! Without this we cannot deliver this internet to the planet, and this is my priority.

so PLEASE let’s all work together here, the people who funded the last 9 months can sell if they want + the necessary funding for the project, then we all can sell starting July 1 first but with a floor. This floor disappears end of the year. This is plan A as always suggested.

Tomorrow will put all of this on the wiki.

There might be an alternative way, I will start a new thread about this later and lets discuss.

How will the proses work with the trading bot should i open another topic on this? The bot sells my tokens but how does the money end up in my bank account? :slight_smile:

Kristof I understand it’s a big issue. But how is promoting one class of Token where TFTA and TFT ‘may’ be exchanged as equal in value but only after a ‘restricted period’ be seen as “working together”?

I am trying for advocate for all token holders not just the latest select few. Look, bottom line you are responsible. All roads start and end with you. I am not being personal because I know you don’t cherish this position, no one would, but it is how it is. You are the CEO/Chairmain/Founder of Threefold and like it or not that comes with immense responsibility.

I look forward to a new thread discussing an alternative way but must happen and if so implemented before April 29th.Time is of the essence.

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