Node is Online but threefold chain shows it Offline

My DIY nodes are online but threefold shows it offline. It has been like this since yesterday. Any reason why?

What are the node numbers? What do the nodes say when connected to a monitor?

Nodes: 3283 and 2277.
This node is shown offline on TF Grid.

My other nodes are online in TF Grid but these two are not shown.

Can you press alt and f2 to check the console for errors

I restarted them and they are online on TF Grid now.


Glad to hear it, it looks like their network had gone down, I’ll make a report of this. Did both display similar behavior?


Glad that it worked. Will check with the network is still facing issues and will update you.

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Yes both displays had similar issues. I could see the nodes online but TF Grid would show them offline.

The monitor saying it is online is not always accurate as you found out. When in doubt, just restart them.


Yeah. Moving forward that is the way to go.