No route with default gateway found and GPU not found [Resolved]

I am new to threefold farming and I tried to install Zero-OS v3 with default kernel. It did boot and fetch the PXE image but during installation it failed with error “No route with default gateway found”. Check the screenshots. Then I tried different kernels and I managed to install the OS with “zero-os-development-zos-v3-long-dhcp-97a9972d” kernel. I have two questions.

  1. Why the default kernel didn’t work
  2. I have two NVIDIA Tesla M60 GPU, why this is not detected by zero-os-development-zos-v3-long-dhcp-97a9972d kernel? Do I need to install any device drivers?


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We see you have also reached out to us over the support chat as well, so we will continue to address your questions over the chat. Please take a look at the transcript for more details.

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This is great @tullysinc

If/once you find the issue on the chat, please have a basic recap here, so we can close the post and farmers can reference it in the future. Thanks!

Underlying issue was DHCP related. Although not a full description, we were informed a “cisco switch was doing something to DHCP”, and the issue was resolved when the farmer connected directly from “server to Unifi”. Maybe @dibun can elaborate on this.

SATA SSD detected as normal HDD: issues resolved when the disks were wiped with wipefs.

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