New release farmerbot

Dear farmers,

We have released a new version of the farmerbot.

This version entails the following changes:

  • All nodes that are off at startup or at shutdown of the farmerbot will be powered on.
  • V script to generate the configuration folder.
  • Nodes are pinged in batch mode instead of sequentially to improve response time.
  • V script to generate the configuation is available in a docker image .
  • Random wakeups to check availability of the nodes at different times.
  • Ability to find nodes with gpu.

Although the previous farmerbot version will continue to be supported, we do recommend to switch to farmerbot v0.2.0. as soon as possible.

For any questions or support, please contact our support team on the TF Connect app live chat or on

Kind regards,

Sabrina on behalf of the ThreeFold Team


For information on how to update the farmerbot check this QnA

We post it here for simplicity.

How can I update the Farmerbot with the new release?

Please follow these steps to update the Farmerbot with the new release:

  • Go to the Farmerbot folder
  • Stop the existing Farmerbot
    • docker compose rm -f -s -v
  • Make a copy of the Farmerbot log file
    • cp config/farmerbot.log config/farmerbot.log.archive
  • Remove the docker-compose file of the previous Farmerbot release
    • rm docker-compose.yaml
  • Download the new docker-compose file
    • wget
  • Run the new Farmerbot
    • docker compose up -d

This last command can take some time as it is downloading new docker images. Let the Farmerbot run for some time. If you think something is wrong or if you want to check if there is something wrong you should look into the config/farmerbot.log file. If you see some errors please share that file with us.

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Dear farmerbot users,

Some of you have encountered the following error: “Job to power on node xxxx failed: Error while calling set_node_power: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘toJSON’)”. We found the cause of that issue: one of the dependencies of the farmerbot, the grid http server with version v2.1.0-rc2 seems to work only on devnet. The version that does work for mainnet, testnet and qa net is v2.0.0. We quickly modified the docker-compose file to use that version so it’s important to stop the farmerbot, download the latest docker-compose file and start the farmerbot again.

If you still encounter the same issue please roll back the farmerbot to the old version (v0.1.0) by using this docker-compose file.

We apologize for the inconvenience :muscle:


Thanks @brandonpille for this clarification.

As long as we fix bugs, we’re moving forward!

A big thank you to the TF community and its active members. We found the bug pretty fast thanks to Tan Du on Telegram, as well as @scott.


Not to be mistaken with current version: v0.14.12