New Features in the Upcoming 3.15 Version

ThreeFold Community Update: New Features in the Upcoming 3.15 Version

Dear ThreeFold community members,

We’re thrilled to share with you the latest updates from our development team. In this post, we’ll delve into the upcoming 3.15 version. Note that additional information can be found on the 3.15 project Kanban here.


50% Utilization Rewards for Farmers

As voted in a previous GEP, we’re implementing the 50% utilization rewards for farmers who host workloads on their nodes. This means that 50% of the spending on those workloads will be distributed directly to the farmer’s TFChain account during billing.

Grid Stack Evolution

One of the primary objectives for the 3.15 release is to establish independent grid stacks. Those stacks are running on bare metal using Docker technology. This enables resiliency and improved UX. This evolution of the grid provides us with a more robust and flexible infrastructure.

Multiple Backend Stacks

We will update ZOS, SDK-go and SDK-ts to support fallback to alternative stacks when the primary stack fails. This feature will improve reliability and resilience of applications using these SDKs. As a reminder, a stack represents all components needed by users to be able to communicate with the provisioning of TFGrid apps.

Network Security and Rules

Security is of paramount importance in any distributed system, and the ThreeFold Grid is no exception. We have identified important security issues that need to be addressed quickly, and we’re working on developing clear cybersecurity rules with accountability, authentication, and transparency.

QSFS Deployments and Documentation

QSFS (Quantum Safe File System) will be made accessible to users for deploying applications on the grid, in an easily understandable way. This means that developers can now take advantage of QSFS’s robust features, including decentralized storage, data redundancy, and high availability.

ZOS 4 Alpha: Simplifying and Strengthening Our Network

We’ll be introducing ZOS 4 Alpha as a parallel version of our existing network stack. This new iteration is designed to be simple, effective, and easy to understand, while still offering the robust features that users expect from ThreeFold.

Mycelium 0.5: Unlocking Network Potential

As part of the 3.15 release, we’ll be releasing Mycelium 0.5, which is an essential component in our quest to achieve true network redundancy. Mycelium 0.5 will be able to handle 10 thousand users on the network. Mycelium will be available for Linux, MacOS, Windows, OSX, Iphone, and Android.

Contract Billing Improvements

To simplify and improve contract billing, we’re streamlining the logic behind it, making it less prone to errors, and more auditable and readable. We’ve identified known issues with billing, and this release addresses those problems head-on. With these changes, you can expect a more reliable and transparent billing process.

ZOS NetworkD Light: An Alternative Network Stack

We’re developing an alternative network stack for ZOS that’s designed to be more cloud provider-friendly. This new architecture will allow us to better optimize our resources, improve performance, and ensure seamless integration with popular cloud platforms.

Infrastructure for 99.9% Uptime Monitoring & Service Level Management

To achieve and maintain a high level of uptime, we’re building the necessary infrastructure, procedures, and support to ensure that the ThreeFold Grid remains available for at least 99.9% of the time. This includes advanced monitoring tools as well as proactive issue detection and resolution.

Upgrade in TFChain Runtime

To address known bugs with the Polkadot SDK, we’re upgrading the TFChain runtime. This update will ensure that the Polkadot SDK remains stable and reliable, providing a solid foundation.

Round-Robin Load Balancing for TFGrid Stacks

We’re implementing round-robin load balancing between grid stacks to enhance grid availability and ensure a seamless user experience. With this feature, we’ll be able to distribute traffic more efficiently, reducing the likelihood of congestion, increasing availability, and improving overall performance.

A Future GEP for 3.15: Your Chance to Vote

The ThreeFold community will have the opportunity to vote on the upcoming 3.15 version through a future Grid Enhancement Proposal (GEP). Stay tuned for an upcoming post where we’ll provide more information about the GEP process and how you can participate in shaping the future of the ThreeFold Grid.