Monitor your farm with Grafana

This guide will walk you through how to monitor your farm using Grafana. It took me a while to set this up but it’s extremely useful for an at-a-glance update on node status and I’m certain others will find it helpful. You’ll need to create a Grafana account if you don’t already have one - the free level is fine for our use case.

Once you have the account created it’s time to get to work. First thing we need to do is install a data source called “infinity” which allows easy handling of JSON data within Grafana.

  • At home screen click Connections > Add new connection
  • Click search box and type infinity, click infinity under Data source

  • Install Infinity

Next we need to add infinity as a data source

  • At home screen click Connections > Data sources
  • Click Add new data source
  • Search infinity, click the result

  • Now click Build a dashboard

  • Click Import dashboard

  • Click Select a infinity data source, select the data source, click import

  • Dashboard should now be created - you can undock the menu for full width

  • To edit the panels, hover over and click three dots, then edit

  • At the edit page, scroll down the lower part and change the node ID within the URL, click apply

  • Back at the dashboard click refresh to see changes, then save - be sure to save after each edit

  • Panels can be duplicated from the three dot menu > more - this is the easiest way to add more nodes, just go in and edit the duplicate as before

If you have multiple farms you can group nodes under a “Row” - Click Add > Row then drag the panels under the newly created row. Rename the row using the gear icon

Be sure to save your dashboard after these changes! It’s a pain having to go back and redo stuff because you forgot to save - ask me how I know!


So cooool! Thanks for sharing @TheCaptain!

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I would never have figured out how to do it without this topic. It works flawlessly. Thanks!


Many thanks! Really helpful!


Tried to download the JSON file for Grafana but the file no longer exists at the link given. Any new link?



Try this:

I’ll update the guide with the above link

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