Mine and Stake Zano on the ThreeFold Grid
Table of Contents
The ThreeFold Grid
On Zano
TFGrid Discount
Mining and Staking Zano
Zano Script
Notes and Feedback
In this guide, we cover how to easily mine and stake Zano on the ThreeFold Grid.
The ThreeFold Grid
People from all around the world can access the nodes on the grid and deploy blockchain workloads.
For example, we currently have an app on the Dashboard to deploy Algorand.
On Zano
Zano (ZANO) is a privacy-centric blockchain ecosystem that was launched in 2019. Built on the CryptoNote codebase, Zano emphasizes fast, secure, and private transactions. The technology behind Zano includes a unique hybrid Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, which ensures the network’s security and efficiency. This hybrid approach leverages the strengths of both PoW and PoS, making it more resistant to various types of attacks.
For more information, read the Zano docs.
TFGrid Discount
There are many ways to have discounts when deploying on the ThreeFold Grid.
Using a dedicated node, you get 50% discount on the deployment cost
You can have up to 60% discount by holding TFT on your TFChain account
The two discounts combine means that your TF deployment costs only 20% of the usual price.
Also note that if you deploy workloads on your own node, as a farmer you get 50% of the utilization rewards. In this case, the deployment would costs only 10% of the initial price.
The ThreeFold Manual covers all the steps to deploy workloads on the ThreeFold Grid.
Mining and Staking Zano
We provide a tool to set up Zano mining and staking. The script zanominer.sh
is installed in the user’s path and can be called directly, e.g. zanominer help
, on the CLI.
This tool will install all the prerequisites, set the Nvidia GPU driver, create a new Zano wallet, then start mining and staking.
Zano Script
Once you properly connected via SSH into the ThreeFold dedicated Nvidia GPU node with a full VM running Ubuntu 24.04, you can simply follow the repo README.md
to complete the installation.
For simplicity, we cover the basic steps here:
# Download the script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mik-TF/zanominer/main/zanominer.sh
# Install in system path
bash zanominer.sh install
# Clean Up
rm zanominer.sh
Once the setup is mining and staking, you can use the service commands to see the status:
zanominer services
You can also stop, start and restart services:
zanominer stop
zanominer start
zanominer restart
The services will restart if they fail or if the node restarts.
Notes and Feedback
Feel free to explore and share your feedback.
Note that ThreeFold is not endorsing Zano nor is a partner of Zano. We want to show how anyone can deploy blockchain workloads on the grid.
If you want us to explore other blockchains on the ThreeFold Grid, let us know!
Zano Miner repo
Zano Docs