Join us for the November 3rd Grid Utilization Community Call!

Friends, as we’ve shared, there will be a call tomorrow focused on Grid Utilization! @scott & @weynandkuijpers will host, take you through key utilization opportunities, share insights, and answer questions.

Call Details
When: Thursday November 3rd, 17:00 CET (12pm EDT)
Where: Call Link

If you have any questions you would like to be covered, please reply to this post asap or bring them to the call itself.

The call will be recorded, for those who cannot attend live.

This call is part of a series of detailed calls in which we aim to go deeper into different specific areas of the ThreeFold project. The first call, pertaining to general updates, was held last week, and its recording can be found here! The following editions will be announced in due time, so stay posted!

From @ParkerS aka Drew Smith on TG:

How we can expand developers attraction to building on the Threefold Grid?

Having a great documentation and easily accessible tutorials is what always motivates me to try out new things. Something I’m currently missing on my journey to building on the ThreeFold grid… Maybe I should start documenting my struggles and write something up for future generations :woozy_face:
Oh wait. @ParkerS is already kind of doing this on his Youtube Channel. Guess I’m not the first one with this idea :wink:

Hey jakub! I actually have also been working on creating written versions of what I covered in the videos in these threads

An introduction and explanation of the Threefold Playground

Tips for Managing Your TFT

These will eventually be formatted into something for the wiki but this is my temporary solution to getting them out as soon as possible

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My Question: How can farmers really be incentivized to promote utilization on their own nodes ?

I know there are utilization boosters being planned. But those probably will only cover additional electricity costs. For people with high electricity prices (e.g. within Europe) this will not be enough. There must be better and more rewarding incentives. If farmers themselves profit from utilization in a meaningful way, this would most likely increase utilization. I mean the farmes are already heavily invested, so they will drive it forward. Hoping for the token price to increase in the long term due to utilization shouldn’t be the only motivation IMO.


Very nice, I will check these out!

Perhaps we should look at splitting off 10%~ of the utilization tokens to the farmers? I’ve got a discussion going on this here

[GEP] Expanded Solutions Provider Model

Would be a great place to bring up the idea of farmers getting some of the utilization tokens

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I like the ideas you bring up. I’d love to hear the opinion of @scott and @weynandkuijpers on these things during this call (which is starting right now :grimacing:)

10% may not be enough for European farmers, but as you’ve said in your GEP let’s talk concepts first and decide dollars and percentages later (;


Question: What is Threefold status with the high-end graphics app presented by Kristof some time ago? (If I recall well it was possible with this to have high quality graphics even on a phone, for example.)

That’s the metaverse partner we’ve been working with. Haven’t seen any other updates on that lately. The idea is that rendering could be done on the Grid, with gpus when they’re available. That’s still conceptual, as far as I know.

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