GEP: TF Grid Mainnet release 3.14

Dear friends,

We are in the midst of testing TF Grid 3.14 on testnet, and are preparing the release process of this version of the Grid on Mainnet.

For this to pass, we would need the farmers to vote before Tuesday June 25th at 10AM CET on the dashboard under ‘DAO’.

Here’s what’s new and improved on TF Grid 3.14:





  • improved capacity planning to wakeup nodes

  • allowing farmers to specify the priority to wakeup nodes


  • support mycelium

  • add more examples


  • support volume workload

Once again we would like to remind you to please vote on the dashboard so we can start the release process. Thank you for your patience and support.

Thank you to the development teams for their continuous effort and hard work!

On behalf of the ThreeFold Team


Steps to vote on the TFDAO:


Dear farmers,

Unfortunately we did not reach the treshhold of voters to pass this DAO vote, as we are one vote short to accept and close the proposal.

Since all votes that have been cast were in favor of upgrading Mainnet to TFGrid 3.14, and seeing as we did not receive any negative feedback, we will open a new proposal with more detail into what’s changing in this new release.

We would like to urge you all to please cast or re-cast your vote on before Tuesday July 2nd so that we can continue updating and improving the ThreeFold Grid without further delay.

A Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO) is only effective with the input and participation from the community.

The recent upgrade of the dashboard makes the voting process even more easy and fast. After login in, simply click on TFChain, and continue to TF DAO. If there is a farm linked to your account, you can then vote on the open DAO proposals.

The team will do its best to launch the upgrade proposals before working on the actual release in the future, as this is highly requested by the community and will hopefully help get to a smoother upgrade process.

As always, thank you for your support.

On behalf of the ThreeFold Team



For Zero-Os we have made quite some changes.

We added some stricter health checks for filtering nodes to deploy on and have also updated the ZUI. The disk size in a microvm is now also displayed for the part that was reserved by the user, to make things more clear and easy to use.

We made sure that the issue with flists that provide their own kernel and had to have it already uncompressed, has been fixed. ZOS is now detecting automatically if the kernel is compressed, and uncompresses if needed (also now supported by newer version from cloudhypervisor).

Mycellium is now getting first class support in ZOS, allowing ZDB using Mycellium IP’s & allowing mounting Flists from Mycellium servers.

For a full list of changes and bug fixes in Zero-OS, please check our Github repo.


  • Runtime upgrades

  • Support of HDD only nodes

  • More validation for farms IPs

  • Improvements of indexing (tft price and farm policy)



  • Improved capacity planning to wakeup nodes

  • Allowing farmers to specify the priority to wakeup nodes


  • Support mycelium

  • Add more examples


  • Support volume workload

Kind regards,
On behalf of the ThreeFold Team

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