Feature Request- Accurate Cost Basis Reporting

I just spent a good amount of time yesterday going through all 200+ of my farming transactions to assign a cost basis to the nearest 5 minute price. For US based farmers, you have to claim the TFT farmed as income using the token price at the time you received it.

I propose that the TF Grid V3 Minting Explorer be modified so that the price section in the “TFT Farmed” section is accurate and represents the TFT token price at the time the payment was sent (to nearest minute or 5 minute). As of now, the Alpha Minting site is just hard coded to show how much you would have earned if the token price was at $0.08.

This feature will be VERY useful as we scale up and the token price fluctuates more with greater adoption.



I’ve made a note of this thread and request in the relevant repository for consideration by our developers. This “alpha” minting receipt viewer is a stop gap until we shift to on chain minting so this feature might be delayed until the equivalent tool for on chain minting is developed.

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Sounds good, thanks Scott!

For the new on chain minting, please consider including the cost basis with each payment

I tried to mess around with Coingecko APIs for historical data, but could only get daily price working (not down to nearest minute or 5 minute).