Farmerbot: Basic Guide for All Networks [OUTDATED]

Strange thing is that the farmerbot will not run if I do a docker compose up -d (it will give an error on the gridtf container saying ii is unhealthy), but the bot will run if I omit the -d flag
Bizarre, no?

I am not sure but try this line then restart

docker compose down -v

The -d option is just to have Docker running as a deamon in the background:

Hey guys,

Here’s a script to build the .env and files:

I would prefer people to fully stop the farmerbot before starting it again:

docker compose rm -f -s -v

And then start it again by doing:

docker compose up -d

Because the docker compose down command doesn’t remove the containers. It might also be good to check if there are any containers still left from previous runs:

docker container ls --all

I would suggest removing those containers first:

docker container rm -f -v NAME_OF_CONTAINER

Thanks for the information. Here’s a QnA out of this. It could be added on the Farmerbot FAQ for future uses by farmers.

How can I properly stop the Farmerbot and start it again?

Here are the steps to properly stop the Farmerbot and start it again.

  • Make sure to fully stop the Farmerbot before starting it again:

    • docker compose rm -f -s -v
  • You should also make sure that there are no containers left from the previous runs. First, list all containers:

    • docker container ls --all
  • Then delete the remaining containers:

    • docker container rm -f -v NAME_OF_CONTAINER
  • To start again the Farmerbot, write the following:

    • docker compose up -d

Are there any video directions for installing Farmbot for us less tech-savvy?

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Maybe I’ll record it when I do it next week ish.


This video might help. But it’s not “new/updated”:

Of course if @FLnelson wants to make a video, that would be amazing :slight_smile:

Thanks for the link.
Yes in deed it would be amazing. He did a great job in his previous videos. He is a valuable member of the team.


Thanks man. Looking forward to it.

Did you by any chance record that video about farmbot installation?

I don’t. And I don’t recommend you install it until the new version soon. When that new version comes out I will finally run it and I will record me figuring it out.


@stanikzai @FLnelson
The Farmerbot in Go is basically ready to be tested, and I wrote a guide on how to deploy it easily on the TFGrid. Posts on this should be shared very soon.

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Are there big changes in sense of how to deploy it? Is it a whole new procedere? What does farmerbot in Go mean?

Go means that the bot is written in go, instead of vlang (the previous bot).

You can try it by following the instructions here:

It’s all open-source on ThreeFoldTech GH repo.

Now you can deploy it in binaries, or with docker. It’s quick to deploy.
The process is similar but different than the last farmerbot. The docs cover it all (link above).

Thanks for clarification. From which time on is it neccesary to update to this version?
Can you tell us what the new Features of this version are and what’s the difference to the actual version.

The older farmerbot is not maintained anymore. The new farmerbot is quicker and better overall.

If you can go to new farmerbot, it is recommended. Personally, I have a farm and I prefer the new farmerbot. I even stopped using the older farmerbot. The new one has zero issues on my end, so far!

The upcoming post will tell all about the new features.

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There is a new version of the Farmerbot.

Learn more about this here.
There is a quick guide to set it up here.