Downtime announcement farms 2209 and 2995 24-04-17 19:00-22:00 CET

Dear all,

Due to an upgrade of hardware and a new faster router, there is expected downtime and service interruption on the above mentioned farms 2209 and 2995 on Wednesday April 17 between 19:00-22:00 CET.

Affected node IDs:

  • 4000
  • 4056
  • 4381
  • 4382
  • 5453
  • 6192
  • 6656
  • 6768

In a continues attempt to improve and grow the decentralised grid, we feel this upgrade is needed.

We kindly but urge anyone who deployed on nodes in these farms to make sure they either move their deployments elsewhere or ensure proper backups in case of unanticipated behaviour upon restarting these services.

Thank you for understanding.


To all; the previous upgrade failed. Another attempt to replace the router on farms 2209 and 2995 will be attempted coming friday May 10 the between 14:00-16:00 CET. Apologies for any inconvenience.

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Router has been successfully replaced with the help of this awesome TF employee Jan from the Belgium team. Jan, you are awesome, and MY employee of the year :pray:

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