Do i have to do something extra to activate the gold package (Closed)

Hi guys :slight_smile:

In the calculator i get this result:
$5.85/month, 531.82 TFT/month

I find a node and deploy using the calculator settings

And after and hour the cost is 1.355 TFT -> (1.355 x 24 x 30) -> 975.6 TFT / month

Do i have to do something more when deploying a node to activate the gold package? :slight_smile:

So as an user of the Threefold Grid i need to find gold certified servers and deploy on them to activate the gold package?

As far as I know, the more tft I have in my account, the greater my discount, up to 60% when it comes to deployments, you just have to hold it in your wallet. This has nothing to do with the certified servers. These are just one requirement if you want to be a Gold certified farmer…
You should reach out to the support, they answer your questions and get sure that these two things don’t get mixed up.


The farming discounts are automatically applied on having the required amount of tokens in the TF Chain account, there is nothing additional you need to do. Read more on the discounts in the link here - Pricing - ThreeFold Manual (



Let’s do the maths and try to understand what is behind this:

Compute cloud units from rented resources

CRU = 16 vCores
SRU = 25 GB
MRU = 8 GB
HRU = 0 GB

CU = min( max(MRU/4, CRU/2), max(MRU/8, CRU), max(MRU/2, CRU/4) ) = min(8, 16, 4) = 4
SU = HRU/1200 + SRU/200 = 0 + 25/200 = 0,125

Calculate cloud units cost

CU pricing = 10 mUSD/h
SU pricing = 5 mUSD/h

  • Per hour:
    CU cost_h = CU * CU pricing = 4 * 10 mUSD/h = 40 mUSD/h
    SU cost_h = SU * SU pricing = 0,125 * 5 mUSD/h = 0,625 mUSD/h
    contract cost_h = CU cost_h + SU cost_h = 40,625 mUSD/h

  • Per month (assuming 1 TFT = 0,011 USD):
    contract cost_m = contract cost_h * 24 * 30 = 29,25 USD/month = 2659 TFT/month

1. Renting a DEDICATED node (all resources of a node is rented)

  • renting a node gives 50% discount!
    rent contract cost_m = 2659 * 0,5 = 1329,5 TFT/month

  • staking discount => number of months I can pay for the contract with my current account balance will give the current discount level
    I have 55000 TFT
    36 months * 1329,5 TFT/month = 47862 TFT < 55000 TFT => GOLD stacking discount (-60%) !!
    rent contract cost_m = 1329,5 * 0,4 = 531,8 TFT/month

I ll pay 531,8 TFT/month <=> 5,85 USD/month
but, since the staking discount can change each hour, this is more accurate to consider the ‘per hour’ rate:
0,7386 TFT/h <=> 8,125 mUSD/hour

2. Renting a SHARED node (partial resources of a node is rented)

  • staking discount => number of months I can pay for the contract with my current account balance will give the current discount level
    I have 55000 TFT
    12 months * 2659 TFT/month = 31908 TFT < 55000 TFT => SILVER stacking discount (-40%) !!
    36 months * 2659 TFT/month = 95724 TFT > 55000 TFT => not eligible for GOLD stacking discount…
    node contract cost_m = 2659 * 0,6 = 1595,4 TFT/month

I ll pay 1595,4 TFT/month <=> 17,55 USD/month
but, since the staking discount can change each hour, this is more accurate to consider the ‘per hour’ rate:
2,216 TFT/h <=> 24,37 mUSD/hour

So it is exactly what the resources pricing calculator gives in both cases

Certified capacity

If the resources I rent is on a certified node, I ll pay +25%
case 1: rent contract cost_m = 531,8 * 1,25 = 664,75 TFT/month
case 2: node contract cost_m = 1595,4 * 1,25 = 1994,25 TFT/month


For this one it is complicated to track…

I see your contract ID is 44136 but contract seems to be canceled.

Nevertheless, the billing rate in TFT/hour seems high in regards to the input specs.
Maybe the displayed rate does not take into account the staking discount.
It would require some confirmation, I ll go back later with some answer.

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Thanks renauter.

Do say if i need to keep my deployment / contract a live while you test stuff in your end :slight_smile:

You are welcome!
But indeed some inconsistencies were detected between components.
We are working to fix it and get every prices aligned (tfchain / dashboard / playground).
Keeping in mind the price which is effectively billed is the one from TFChain I presented above in calculation.
Thank you


I made some confusion on pricing, my bad
Edited the calculation above with updated values

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Please stop using mUSD. Signed, everyone.

$0.005 is better.


Screen shoot from playground:

Keeping in mind the price which is effectively billed is the one from TFChain I presented above in calculation.

Is this still true?

After days of test it seems that i pay full price for my deployment when looking at my account on and

Is it possible to track or see the real transfer / effectively billed price per hour somewhere?

The contract details are shared with devs on the ticket created by us for investigation and we shall update you on our ongoing live chat. Thanks.

I think i know whats happen in my case - i thought i was deploying a dedicated node ( Full Virtual Machine) but it was a shared node and therefore the price / package confusion :slight_smile:

Ahh indeed, full virtual machine refers to it being a full kernel vm, a dedicated node needs to be rented on the dashboard and then any deployment you create on that node will not bill

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The hourly rate shown in the Playground is derived from the on chain billing reports. So it should represent your actual cost in real time fairly accurately.

It’s also possible to query the billing history for a deployment. We don’t have any dedicated UIs to do this, but the GraphQL interface is reasonably friendly. Here’s an example query that retrieves the 10 latest billing reports for one of your contracts:

query MyQuery {
  contractBillReports(where: {contractID_eq: "44479"}, 
                      orderBy: timestamp_DESC, limit: 10) {

Here it is in action:

The TFT amounts are written without a decimal place, and they need to be divided by 10,000,000 (1e7) to get a regular decimal notation. For example:

26912880 / 1e7 = 2.691288 TFT

The timestamps are Unix timestamps, so not the most intuitive but can be converted to date/time format with a tool like this one. Most importantly, billing is done every hour, so the amounts billed correspond to the hourly rate.


Thanks Scott.

This is very informative👌

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