Certified Farming

This is part of a set of threads for focused discussion on specific aspects of the 3.50 proposal (formerly known as 3.12).

To get up to speed on 3.50, see the pinned post in this category for links to more information.

Certified Farming


  • Certified concept remains (secure boot)
  • All nodes have the same base reward (simple and governance minimal)
    • In short, proof-of-capacity is the same for every node.
  • Added fees bring the chance to earn more when nodes are utilized
    • Vendor can provide pricing profiles to make this simple for non technical farmers
    • In short, proof-of-utilization can be customized based on the 3Nodes specs.
  • Existing farmers can stay on “fixed” farming and new nodes can be added for a limited period of time
    • The limited period of time should be discussed
  • Potential for vendors to partner with solution/service providers to bring utilization to their customers nodes

Questions and Concerns

  • Certified vendors have made investments in their business around selling certified nodes that receive a higher reward. The proposed changes can hurt their business, especially without sufficient utilization to provide revenue to farmers.

I would think for now vendors’ clients would most likely stay on 3.11 and then naturally move to 3.50 as utilization increase.

Certified boot loader might be a prized status in the 3.50 market.

I think we need stop onboarding new farmers because there is no enough utilization and will.add more sell pressure…

You have a rational point of view, I won’t disagree there. However it would be bad optics and we are not really having any network size growth anyways. Additionally, it would impact Robert and his sales, the most vocal community member we have.

I think the most important thing for the moment is fixing the token price, because if it go to zero, there is no project, no network and no community voice seller !

I think that certified node buyers are generally not creating a lot of sell pressure. To me, implementing some kind of lock on rewards is the best way we avoid creating more sell pressure for farmers, while still onboarding farmers who are willing to wait to sell.

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