August 01 2024 Project Update Recording

Yesterday evening, we held another project update. During the call, we covered three main topics – use cases and demos, an update on Project Internet Capacity, and grid operational updates.

First, Scott discussed two demos from July. One was on NextCloud, the industry-leading, fully open-source, on-premises content collaboration platform – an alternative to products like Google Drive. In that demo, Scott showed how to deploy NextCloud on ThreeFold’s decentralized autonomous open-source grid. The second was on TFROBOT, a command line interface tool that offers simultaneous mass deployment of groups of VMs on the ThreeFold Grid. During the session, Scott successfully deployed 100 virtual machines in just over three minutes. Following Scott, Timur showcased Juggler, an open-source CI/CD tool being developed by ThreeFold. And Scott gave a preview of the demos upcoming in the month of August.

In the second part of the call, Kristof shared an update on Project Internet Capacity, the fourth generation of the ThreeFold Grid, which was followed by some Q&A. He then got into some possible tokenomics for an organic growth model for the project, and shared some messaging being used by the team these days in fundraising and partnership conversations, and discussions around the launch of $INCA. Finally, he talked about ThreeFold expansion methods, and raised some possibilities around the launch of Project Internet Capacity – focus on fundraising and wait for it to launch, or launch in parallel to fundraising mode – and asked for the feedback of the community.

The last part of the call was focused on development activities as well as operational issues around the grid, and completed with a discussion with community around protecting farmers and the grid.

Here is the presentation from the call, with all relevant links inside.

Please note the content of this call is for information purposes only and is subject to change as the project evolves.