Node 1655 does not seem to be connected correctly [RESOLVED]

The IP’s are working!

While the setup was correct the problem seemed in ZOS, my node we’re registered to be single DUL. So there was no public port assigned, we fixed this thru the RMB. This was an easy fix since I had it open from the GoogleMap.

I also heard after @ParkerS had a program to fix this and this was known before. Maybe he can share it here. Or it was already shared and hadn’t find it yet on the forum.

Thanks to @Dany. And @scott for troubleshooting a problem on ZOS.

Farm 84 is ready for deployment.


So cool to read this.

So the new fix pushed by Muhamad Azmy on the Grid did help, right?

i was having some network issues ive been chasing for weeks that the fix that got pushed yesterday resolved! so cool to see all of this happening on the forums where we can all share the information!


Proof: all is good now! Thank you @teisie @ParkerS @Dany and @Mik

➜  ~ ssh root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:CnAQ0/ZuA9G9bHMlE22B2ZajV5bD02Cn/9TbDKvhsew.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
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all seems to be operational and working. Hell of a farm!


Perfect! Also added a gateway for every node! +32

Tested by @scott and help from @ParkerS. Should be fully operational as well!