Most efficient DIY build - asking for help

Hi everyone, first of all just wanted to state that I am kind of a noob in the computer world, so sorry if some of my questions are quite basic!

I discovered Threefold at the beginning of this year and started to explore the project as much as I could, and was amazed by it. I think it really makes sense and made me want to be a part of it.

So, I looked at Titan, but since I always wanted to build a PC, searched for the DIY route and found @FLnelson videos that explained so well how to build a simply DIY node, and that was what I decided to do (thanks, by the way, amazing videos!).

Now, I found myself with some questions (about farming and DIY builds), that I would like to share:

  1. From what I could understand, the most important things for the network are RAM, the number of cores, and SSD storage, right? And these are the things that will be most cost-efficient, in terms of rewards, right?
  2. So, to build a DIY from scratch, these should be the most important components. With these in mind, what is the most efficient build (regarding rewards, grid contribution, and power consumption)? A mini PC? A server? It is a server, right?
  3. Considering the servers, is there such a thing as a home server? Like some different form factor server, where I can use a server CPU and RAM (those have plenty more cores and can take much more RAM?)? I saw a build not long ago with a Dell Precision T5810, that I didn’t know existed, and it looks like a “home server”, am I wrong?
  4. Is it always better to buy second-hand material and upgraded it, or should I start from scratch and buy accordingly for what I need to be most efficient for the Grid?

Sorry for the long post and so many questions, but I wanted to share it and see if I’m learning something or if I’m getting it all wrong :joy:

Thanks in advance!

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Yes, maximizing your “compute units” as show in the formula here is the lowest hanging fruit. Any extra storage you provide is just gravy.

As far as the most efficient build goes, it depends what you are trying to be most efficient on. $1000 spent on a commercial server will probably get you 3x TFT compared to $1000 spend building a consumer PC.

There are servers built into more of a tower form factor. They are much more quiet and a little more expensive. They are probably a good option but as I do not have one I can’t chime in much. HP and Dell make tower servers.

It seems to be much more cost effective to buy something close to what you need and then upgrade. I often buy servers for what the RAM would have cost separately. Used server CPU’s are very cheap 2nd hand and easy to upgrade, but RAM is $$$.


As just mentioned, second hand servers will give you best returns.
Use the farming simulation to calculate how much TFT you might earn with your setup:

  1. 8GB RAM per Vcore is necessary to get returns for a core.
    500 gb ssd minimum. Abour 50 gb per vcore i makes sense.

  2. Most cost effective? In my experience it’s a used server with DDR3 RAM (usually ECC RAM) as DDR4 is much more expensive.
    You can get a used server for about 500 euros, 40 vcores and 256 GB RAM. You need another 128 GB and 4 tB SSD. At the end you’re at about 1000 Euros. For a 19" Server. Tower Servers or Workstations can have similar specs but for a higher price. Workstations are on the other hand more user friendly to setup and much more quiet.

  3. Home servers, Workstations, “professional” servers. All you can use for a 3node. It depends on you what you feel comfortable to set up and run.

  4. At the moment you won’t be extra rewarded for the latest hardware. Feel free to get some second hand hardware and give the precious equipment a second life.


Thanks so much for your answers, it really helped, and now I know what to look for!

Yeah, have already noticed that, so will start to look for used servers with the RAM I need and upgrade from there. Thanks!

Yes, makes a lot of sense, 1000€ is an amazing price point with the specs that you get in return!

Glad to give the hardware a second opportunity and at the same time contribute to this project!

Thanks once again.


Hello there amigos, couple you please tell me where your find that?

You will find a lot of inspiration here: Let's share our farming setup

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