suggest we make small meeting where we can go over these points and see if the stories for 3.15 are in which take the remarks into consideration, we might have some engineering time left in 3.14 for items which are important to resolve now.
Feedback on our TFGrid 3.14
remarks on
- Farming TFT Staking Vault & Farming Collateral
- The equivalent of X months (TBD, propositions so far: between 2 and 6 months) of farming per node is kept as collateral in a farmed TFT staking vault.
- Any TFT more than X-month worth of farming per node is available to unstake given a 5 days cooldown period
- TFT in farmed TFT staking vault with the min X-months of farming collateral are eligible to vote for the DAO
- TFT farmed in TFT staking vault have 1.2 DAO voting power per TFT
- A farmer can unstake all TFT (with the 2-month collateral) given a cooldown period of 10 days.
1. Once they removed all collateral- They do not farm any more POC rewards. They can still farm POU rewards.
- They cannot vote on the DAO, i.e. TFT is removed from the farming TFT staking vault.
- If a farmer unstake TFT in a farmed TFT staking vault, the only way to stake it is to put the TFT in a public TFT vault (see below)
1. This means that farmed TFT staking vault contains TFT that has been minted and then used for TF DAO process only!
response from Kristof
I love the idea, but looks like a lot of work, once we have 4.x version, the billing cycle will change and then a lot of this will no longer apply. Maybe we can see with engineers what can be done easily with less work for the remaining period of farming.
Yes, these are temporary measures to make things as best as they can be before 4.x since we don’t know when that can be expected.
I think one practical direction is to categorize from the list every feedback input by the community and put them into 3.14, 3.15 and 4.0 projects, so it’s clear what can be done now, and what will be possible later.
Also as @FLnelson pointed out, some solutions might be temporary, on the way to 4.0.
I’m not saying the TFT points are no good ideas (I may need some more time to understand properly) but i would seriously hate to explain all these complicated measures to any potential new (50+) farmer.
I hope whatever measures are finally taken, we find a way to document and preferably even visualise it in sesame street language
comments for the propositions collected by @Mik:
ad 2) I think that’s time wasted, better used in promoting/marketing - utilization will be the only way to balance the price
ad 3) first we have to solve point 7 before we think about this!
ad 4) my head is spinning - have to reread this … will be challenging for new farmers
ad 5) if you are both, farmer&customer the deploy discounts are very attractive - but then you must decide - hold it in your wallet and receive discounts OR stake for voting rights
ad 6) what is the reasoning for this point?
ad 7) At the moment the network is farmer friendly, i think this was intended to grow the network. Some farmers don’t like deployments, because of the electricity bill. I get it. But no customer will deal with this, once his deployed node goes down, he will leave forever. Some of the proposals address this problem and that is what we need right now.
7.2) node get’s rebootet, node is getting shut down, connection refused after deployment, node is shown online but connection constantly get’s timeout, extremly low internet bandwith <100KB
just to name the most common ones…
ad 11) somewhere it was mentioned - “…when the price is above 8ct. for 30 days…” - this will be substituted with a vote?
ad 16) Again this sounds very complicated, while we are still lacking utilization …
ad 18) I think this should be the main focus right now - and yes incentives are a very powerful driver!
All in all i think we must solve the underutilization and most of the problems will be solved. We can lock away as much TFT as we want, if we continue to farm without usage this ship will sink. I believe in the potential of Threefold, unfortunatly i am not good at promoting. But there are a lot of those on twitter - so why not pay some of them to bring in a whole flock of new users?