Well, the problem with ‘renewable on a physical level’ is that it is not green or good for the environment at all, and actually increases waste and CO2 levels. But that’s not really a popular (although logical if you think it through) statement to make.
Even if you have 100% wind energy, they only supply energy about 30% of the time. What nobody tells you is that wind energy is DC. In order to get it to AC, one needs a…powerplant. And powerplants are needed anyways to cover for the swings in energy provided to the grid. Those powerplants need to be able to turn on and off quickly, and therefore they have to be using gas turbines. Same issue with Solar. Nuclear is the only option for zero-emission energy, but it cannot coexist with wind or solar, as you cannot switch of a nuclear reactor that quickly. Plus, costs of electricity is huge because of the need of the backup plants being available - they are not running 100% of the time, so the capital is not fully used.
Then environmental issues with solar panels and even the blades of wind turbines. Solar panels are not reusable at all, as they can’t split the materials. In the US there are whole ‘farms’ of solar ‘waste’, just lying in the fields. Unprotected. Weather causes deterioration and leads to heavy metals getting in to the ground water. The blades from wind mills, same problem. They can’t be recycled.
Great example is Germany. They have the most ‘green’ energy in EU and there carbon levels have risen tremendously during the transition (and even worse due to their choice to shutdown perfectly fine nuclear power plants, which made them turn to brown coal again). I worked as an energy trader for a while and we had fun getting the German power AND getting paid for it.
Netherlands - same. We are suffering from solar panels, too many of them and the grid can’t handle it (the swings). We import wood from other countries (Baltics, Canada, US) as wood pellets, we burn them in our coal plants and call it ‘biomass’. While puffing out tremendous amounts of CO2. And call it ‘green’.
So… what you call ‘green’ or ‘renewable’ in my view is just not seeing the big picture. And no, I don’t believe it does anything for the network. Sure, there might be customers that would like to see their servers run on green energy. But you might as well then promote BLM, or any other political view as there will be people supporting it.
Bit of long story and controversial
. So I"m not in favor of having ‘green’ energy being rewarded extra TFT (too late, I know as the DAO ruled otherwise). Also, how do you prove it? it’s too open for abuse, depends on someone certifying it. Not open, not transparent, not decentralized.