What is a 3node gateway? How can I configure a 3node as a gateway node?

What is a 3node gateway? How can I configure a 3node as a gateway node?

We explain what is a 3node gateway and give the basic steps on how to configure a 3node as a gateway node.

A big thank you to @ParkerS for his amazing video on the subject.

Table of Contents

What is a 3node gateway?

A 3node becomes a gateway when a Threefold farmer adds a public IP address to the node itself on the Threefold Dashboard. In doing so, the IP address is then handed over to the base operating system of the node itself. The IP address can then be used in the overall functions of the TF Grid.

Note that this process differs from when an IP address that has been added to a farm is deployed with a workload in order for that workload to be accessible on the Internet.

How can I configure a 3node as a gateway node?

Note that to configure a 3node as a gateway node, you need a public IP block from your internet service provider (ISP).

You can configure a 3node as a gateway node on the TF mainnet, TF testnet and TF devnet. You thus need to choose the correct TF Dashboard link (main, test, dev).

To configure a 3node as a gateway node, follow these steps:

  • Configure your DNS records
    • Type: A
      • Name: <YOUR_SUBDOMAIN>
      • Value: <YOUR_IPv4_ADDRESS>
    • Type: NS
      • Name: _acme-challenge.<YOUR_SUBDOMAIN>
    • Type: CNAME
      • Value: <YOUR_SUBDOMAIN>
    • Type: AAAA
      • Name: <YOUR_SUBDOMAIN>
      • Value: <YOUR_IPv6_ADDRESS>
  • Configure your 3node parameters on the TF Dashboard
    • Go to the Threefold Dashboard
    • Go to the section Portal
    • Go to the subsection Farms
    • Choose the 3node you want to turn into a gateway node and click on Actions (Add a public config) on the right
    • Enter the necessary information and click Save
      • IPV4: Enter the IPv4 address of your public IP block
      • Gateway: Enter the gateway of your public IP block
      • IPV6: Enter the IPv6 address of your public IP block
      • Gateway IPV6: Enter the gateway of your public IP block

Once this is done, you should see the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in the section PUB of your 3node screen.

The post is a summary of Drew’s amazing video from his youtube channel.

Watch his video here.