ThreeFold Communication Strategy

The communication strategy aims to significantly grow the ThreeFold community. Many communities are currently unaware of us, our values, and solutions. Actually, our technology covers an aggregated market cap of +50 billion in the decentralization space. We are well positioned with our tech to be the critical infrastructure to host any current IT workload that runs on Linux with more efficiency and security. With the launch of TF Grid 3.0 coming up, now is the time to grow our community and raise awareness.

Communication objectives

  • Community growth: +50,000 new community members by spring 2022
  • Reached audiences: +10,000,000 people reached by spring 2022

Have a look at our communication strategy for more details and leave a comment with your email and background here to contribute to our communication and community growth efforts.

Communication Strategy

  • Channel strategy: How and where are we communicating?
  • Key topics: What topics and industries are particularly interesting for us to engage with, with regards to our solutions?
  • Personas to address: What personas are representing our target audience?
  • Expanding Our Reach by Activating Our Ecosystem: Who else can help us spread the word and on what channels?

Action Plan
We will start our community growth efforts with a testing phase of one month. Throughout this month, we will engage in conversations focusing on 8 topics on Reddit and Quora in order to broaden our understanding of our audiences and engagement on channels to significantly grow our community in a sustainable, meaningful way.

Key channels:

  1. Twitter
  2. Reddit
  3. Quora
  4. YouTube
  5. LinkedIn

Priority topics for testing:

  1. Blockchain & decentralization for blockchains (+ blockchain hosting solution)
  2. Big tech criticism (focus on expensive pricing & lack of trust)
  3. Edge & cloud computing
  4. Availability of decentralized capacity
  5. Efficiency & sustainability of tech (commitment to removing 3x carbon in 2022)
  6. Privacy & security
  7. Autonomous IT
  8. Crypto assets, token, utility token

Performance monitoring:

  • Engagement with tested topics
  • Engagement on key channels
  • Overall growth of community

One part of our communication strategy involves the expansion of our reach by activating you, our community. So if you’d like to help us spread the word and engage in meaningful conversations on the previously mentioned topics, feel free to check out the last section of our communication strategy with some tips on what to consider when posting and sharing on different platforms.