Terraform Basic 3Node Full VM Deployment

Terraform Basic 3Node Full VM Deployment

Table of Contents


This short ThreeFold Guide will teach you how to deploy a Full VM on the TFGrid using Terraform.

The steps are very simple. You first need to create the Terraform files, the variables file and the deployment file, and then deploy the full VM. After the deployment is done, you can SSH into the full VM.

Main Process

For this guide, we use two files to deploy with Terraform. The first file contains the environment variables and the second file contains the parameters to deploy our workloads.

To facilitate the deployment, only the environment variables file needs to be adjusted. The main.tf file contains the environment variables (e.g. var.size for the disk size) and thus you do not need to change this file. Of course, you can adjust the deployment based on your preferences. That being said, it should be easy to deploy the Terraform deployment with the main.tf as is.

On your local computer, create a new folder named terraform and a subfolder called deployments. In the subfolder, store the files main.tf and credentials.auto.tfvars.

Modify the variable file to take into account your own seed phrase and SSH keys. You should also specifiy the node ID of the 3node you will be deploying on.


You need to download and install properly Terraform. Simply follow the documentation depending on your operating system (Linux, MAC and Windows).

Find a 3node

We first need to decide on which 3node we will be deploying our workload.

We thus start by finding a 3node with an IPv4 address and see if it has enough resources. For our full VM deployment, the minimum specs are 1 CPU, 512 MB of memory and 15 GB of storage.

  • Go to the Threefold Grid’s GraphQL.
  • Write the following query
query MyQuery {
  publicConfigs {
    node {
      resourcesTotal {
  • Press the “Play” button
  • Find a 3node that suits the deployment’s needs (under nodeID)

Create the Terraform Files

Open the terminal.

  • Go to the home folder

    • cd ~
  • Create the folder terraform and the subfolder deployments:

    • mkdir terraform && cd $_
    • mkdir deployments && cd $_
  • Create the main.tf file:

    • nano main.tf
  • Copy the main.tf content and save the file.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    grid = {
      source  = "threefoldtech/grid"

variable "mnemonics" {
  type = string

variable "SSH_KEY" {
  type = string

variable "tfnodeid1" {
  type = string

variable "size" {
  type = string

variable "cpu" {
  type = string

variable "memory" {
  type = string

provider "grid" {
  mnemonics = var.mnemonics
  network = "main"

locals {
  name = "tfvm"

resource "grid_network" "net1" {
  name        = local.name
  nodes       = [var.tfnodeid1]
  ip_range    = ""
  description = "newer network"
  add_wg_access = true

resource "grid_deployment" "d1" {
  disks {
    name = "disk1"
    size = var.size
  name         = local.name
  node         = var.tfnodeid1
  network_name = grid_network.net1.name
  vms {
    name  = "vm1"
    flist = "https://hub.grid.tf/tf-official-vms/ubuntu-22.04.flist"
    cpu   = var.cpu
    mounts {
        disk_name = "disk1"
        mount_point = "/disk1"
    memory     = var.memory
    entrypoint = "/sbin/zinit init"
    env_vars = {
      SSH_KEY = var.SSH_KEY
    publicip   = true
    planetary = true

output "wg_config" {
  value = grid_network.net1.access_wg_config
output "node1_zmachine1_ip" {
  value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].ip

output "ygg_ip1" {
  value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].ygg_ip

output "ipv4_vm1" {
  value = grid_deployment.d1.vms[0].computedip

In this file, we name the VM as vm1.

  • Create the credentials.auto.tfvars file:

    • nano credentials.auto.tfvars
  • Copy the credentials.auto.tfvars content and save the file.

mnemonics = "..."
SSH_KEY = "..."

tfnodeid1 = "..."

size = "15"
cpu = "1"
memory = "512"

Make sure to add your own seed phrase and SSH public key. You will also need to specify the node ID of the server used. Simply replace the three dots by the content.

We set here the minimum specs for a full VM, but you can adjust these parameters.

Deploy the Full VM with Terraform

We now deploy the full VM with Terraform. Make sure that you are in the correct folder terraform/deployments containing the main and variables files.

  • Initialize Terraform:

    • terraform init
  • Apply Terraform to deploy the full VM:

    • terraform apply

After deployments, take note of the 3node’ IPv4 address. You will need this address to SSH into the 3node.

SSH into the 3node

Delete the Deployment

To stop the Terraform deployment, you simply need to write the following line in the terminal:

terraform destroy

Make sure that you are in the Terraform directory you created for this deployment.


You now have the basic knowledge and know-how to deploy on the TFGrid using Terraform.

If you have any question, let us know!