Scaling storage attached to a VM


Since it is not possible to update a VM using Terraform I thought it might be possible to add additional storage to a VM by updating the size of the ZDBs that are underlying the QSFS mounts. I used the terraform configuration from this exampe.

I am probably not aware of how ZDBs work internally but updating the size key in the terraform configuration for the meta and data zdbs did not change the size of the mount in the newly created VM.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

Hi @zurga. Interesting question! As Quantum Safe Storage is presented in a VM as a mount I expect there to be a process to update and expand the storage back-end. Unfortunately I do not know how to do this myself, and will rely on some of our engineers to help me formulate an answer.

If they have not seen it yet, I point out this question to them.

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Hey @weynandkuijpers, thanks for replying!

Just to give my question more context: I tried expanding the storage backend by increasing the size on the ZDBs from 10 to 20.

resource "grid_deployment" "d1" {
    node = 7
    dynamic "zdbs" {
        for_each = local.metas
        content {
            name = zdbs.value
            description = "description"
            password = "password"
            size = 10 --> 20
            mode = "user"
    dynamic "zdbs" {
        for_each = local.datas
        content {
            name = zdbs.value
            description = "description"
            password = "password"
            size = 10 --> 20
            mode = "seq"

After running terraform apply and running df -h on the vm the mount point still showed up as 10GB.