Node Details Section in Explorer V3 renders incorrect HW Specs

Last week @Mik and I came across a member (@bakongi) from the ThreeFold Farmer’s TG group reporting probable bugs with V3 Explorer rendering incorrect HW specs.

In @bakongi ’s case; 2TB SSD recognized as 1TB and 64GB Ram recognized as 32GB.

Similarly, a second user (over support chat) had also reported MRU being detected as 33.56GB as opposed to 64GB.

For the benefit of the farmers; I created a ticket for the Dev Team to analyze and here’s a look into their observation. Thanks @leesmet for reviewing and sharing.

ZOS only detects capacity right after it boots:

Case 1 - There are 2 possibilities. First, the SSD might not be detected by the OS. If this is the case, ensure the connection is good. The second option is that the SSD got misinterpreted as an HDD. This could be the case if it is on the slower side. If this is the case then there would be 1 additional TB of HDD (in all probability if this is the case).

Case 2 – MRU is reported by the kernel. If this value is lower, it means the kernel is unable to access some of the memory. Ensure the memory is properly installed and maybe run a memtest to make sure there are no errors which might cause the kernel to not use the DIMM.

Regardless, capacity detection is only done at boot. This means that for this value to change, the node would have to reboot (considering low uptime on both nodes, that is what likely happened).

Note: in both cases, the explorer did periodically update accurate specs within a few minutes.


Thanks for the feedback and the post.

When you say:

Note: in both cases, the explorer did periodically update accurate specs within a few minutes.

This means that, in those cases, no reboot was necessary as the Explorer adjusted the correct specs within a few minutes? Or that a reboot was necessary to get the accurate specs?


I would add Case 3 for threads/logical cores/virtual cores:

Case 3 - On the Threefold Explorer, if you only see half of the threads your 3node should have, check in the BIOS settings and make sure you have enabled Virtual Cores (or Hyper Threading/Logical Cores).

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According to my conversations with both farmers, a reboot wasn’t necessary. v3 Explorer adjusted the correct specs within a few minutes.

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OK perfect. That gives me enough information to make a clear Q+A out of this.


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