Looking for people to feature in ThreeFold content. It's super simple!

ThreeFold technology is game-changing, but we are nothing without the people in this community! These days we are looking for more ways to showcase the people behind the project. And we should be proud to showcase ourselves! We’re building a new freakin’ Internet, after all.

Here’s a series I started on Twitter and would love to continue with all types of people – farmers, token holders, developers, etc – to inspire others to get involved as well.

Anybody care to help out? All I need from you is a photo and a quote! Who’s in?


Beautiful idea, let’s show who we are and why we do what we do! :tada:

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I am in. How will i send you a picture and my quote?


Amazing! Will send you a private message here on the forum.

NAIEIN would be up for it!