How To Tell People About Deploying Workloads on The Threefold Grid

How To Tell People About Deploying on Threefold.

       After some great discussions on Telegram I wanted to both expand on what was shared and document it here on the forums as I think it will be of benefit to anyone that wants to get the word out about deploying workloads on Threefold. I’m going to format this into Questions and Answers so that hopefully it can be a reference for everyone as we drive utilization in 2023!

What is the Threefold Grid

      The Threefold Grid is a decentralized cloud platform that aims to make computing more accessible, affordable, and secure for everyone. It is built on a network of distributed computing resources that can be accessed and used by anyone, anywhere in the world. The platform utilizes advanced technologies such as blockchain and peer-to-peer networking to create a decentralized and self-sustaining ecosystem of computing resources. The goal of Threefold is to enable people and organizations to build and run applications and services in a more efficient, scalable, and secure manner.

How does The Threefold Grid Work?

      Threefold is built on a decentralized network of computing resources that can be accessed and used by anyone, anywhere in the world. The platform utilizes advanced technologies such as an autonomous hypervisor called Zero-OS, and multiple peer-to-peer encrypted networking solutions to provide a secure cloud hosting environment anyone can contribute to.

  • Here’s how it works:

    • Users can access the Threefold platform through a relatively user-friendly interface and choose the type of computing resources they need, such as CPU, memory, storage, and bandwidth.

    • The platform matches users with available computing resources on the network, which can be owned by individuals or organizations.

    • Users can then use these resources to build and run applications and services in a more efficient, scalable, and secure manner.

    • Users only pay for the resources they consume, and they can receive discounts for dedicated node rentals or maintaining a TFT balance on their account.

    • The platform utilizes blockchain technology to track and verify transactions and ensure the security and integrity of data and applications on the network.

      Overall, the goal of Threefold Grid is to connect people with compute, networking and storage with those that need it in decentralized, private and secure way.

How are the nodes connected to each other

      In a decentralized network like Threefold, nodes are connected to each other through a process called peering. This is when two or more nodes establish a direct connection with each other in order to exchange data and resources. This happens in three ways on the grid.

  • The Planetary Network connects deployments, nodes and users by using Yggdrasil, a decentralized and self-organizing network that is designed to be resistant to censorship and other forms of interference. It is named after the mythological Norse tree of life, which is said to connect the nine worlds of Norse mythology. Yggdrasil is designed to be a scalable and high-performance network that is capable of supporting a wide range of applications and workloads. It uses advanced technologies such as peer-to-peer networking and encryption to create a decentralized and secure platform that is resistant to downtime, censorship, and other vulnerabilities.

  • Z-net is an intra-workload or intra-node network that allows you to connect nodes or workloads separated geographically or by network topology and allow them to communicate as if they are were within a single private Lan. this allows you to create Private networks of deployments. this can be especially useful when creating backup servers or resources that will only need to be accessed directly by your other deployments

  • Public IPV4/IPV6 addresses are provided by Threefold Gateway Nodes and allow workloads to be deployed with their own public addresses.

What Kind of Things Can You Deploy on The Threefold Grid

      The Threefold grid is a decentralized network of computing resources that can be accessed and used by anyone, anywhere in the world. As such, it can be used to build and run a wide variety of applications and services.

  • Here are some examples of things you can do with the Threefold grid:

    • Host websites and web applications or services: The Threefold grid can be used to host websites and web applications, providing scalable and secure hosting solutions for anything from a single Minecraft server to a robust hosting resell infrastructure

    • Run workloads and simulations: The Threefold grid can be used to run complex workloads and simulations, such as data analysis, machine learning, and scientific research.

    • Store and process data: The Threefold grid can be used to store and process large amounts of data, such as for big data analytics or data backup and recovery.

    • Run cloud-based services: The Threefold grid can be used to run cloud-based services, such as software as a service (SaaS) or infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

    • Nearly any hosting task that you need to complete can be achieved within a workload running one of the Ubuntu Cloud Images. The Grid provides the resources, but what you do with them is ultimately up to you, there is no inherent limitations to the capability of what you deploy beyond those set by the software your using. You will be able to perform the same tasks you could with the same image installed on a local machine.

      Overall, the Threefold grid is a flexible and powerful platform that can be used to build and run a wide range of applications and services in a more efficient, scalable, and secure manner.

Where are Threefold Nodes Located

      Threefold nodes are distributed across the world and can be located anywhere that has Internet access. The platform utilizes a decentralized network of computing resources, which can include anything from individual computers or servers that are racked in data centers.

  • As a decentralized platform, Threefold does not have a central server or authority that controls the network. Instead, nodes on the network connect and communicate with each other directly through a process called peering. This allows the Threefold network to be distributed and resilient, and this makes it less vulnerable to single points of failure or censorship.

  • It is worth noting that the geographical distribution of Threefold nodes may vary depending on the availability and demand for computing resources in different regions. The platform is designed to be flexible and scalable, so it can adapt and grow as needed to meet the changing needs of users around the world. This allows the Threefold Grid to connect areas with affordable resources to the areas where scarcity can often drive cloud hosting to unattainable costs.

How does the Threefold Grid Compare to a Virtual Private Server

      You can use Threefold to host applications and services in a similar way to how you would use a virtual private server (VPS). The Threefold platform provides access to a wide range of computing resources, including CPU, memory, storage, and bandwidth, which can be used to host and run applications and services.

  • The key difference between Threefold and a traditional VPS is that Threefold is a decentralized platform, which means it is not owned or controlled by any single entity. Instead, it utilizes a network of distributed computing resources that can be accessed and used by anyone, anywhere in the world. This makes Threefold more flexible, scalable, and secure than a traditional VPS, as it is less vulnerable to downtime, censorship, and other vulnerabilities.

Who is Hosting The Node Running My Workload

      Threefold nodes can be hosted by a wide range of individuals and organizations. The platform provides nearly no barriers to entry to allow people from every corner of the world to participate.

  • Individuals can host Threefold nodes by setting up their own computer or server and connecting it to the Threefold network. This can be a good option for people who have the technical expertise and resources to set up and maintain their own nodes.

  • Organizations can also host Threefold nodes by dedicating some of their computing resources to the Threefold network. This can be a cost-effective way for organizations to access additional computing power when needed, and can also help them to reduce their carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources to power their nodes.

      Overall, anyone can host a Threefold node as long as they have the necessary hardware and connectivity to connect to the Threefold network.

Is my Data Safe on the Threefold Grid

      Threefold takes data security very seriously and has implemented a number of measures to help protect the data of its users. Here are some of the ways that Threefold helps to ensure the security of data on the platform:

  • Encryption: Data on Threefold can be protected in transit and at rest. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to data and ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information.

    • Every workload has the option to be accessed from outside the network using The Planetary Network that provides end to end encryption.

    • Workloads can be connected to each other within an encrypted network called Z-Net

  • Access controls: Threefold implements access controls to ensure that your workload is only accessible by you. each workload is only accessible by the SSH Key of the deployer or their chosen authentication method. no one else can access your deployment, including the developers

  • Data protection: Threefold lets you choose how secure you want your data to be, All data is protected from access at a basic level, but with tools like quantum safe file storage and TPM drive encryption on certified nodes you can choose to secure your data even from intrusion by some of the worlds most powerful super computers while utilizing the Grid

  • Security audits: Threefold conducts regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in the platform. This helps to ensure that the platform is secure and compliant with industry standards.

      Overall, Threefold takes a number of steps to help ensure the security of data on the platform. However, as with anything Decentralized the user takes a much greater level of responsibility for their data’s safety. Anything you expose to the internet is at risk and the tools only work when you use them.

Is My Workload Redundant On The Threefold Grid

      The Threefold Grid offers the ability for you to use existing industry standard solutions for ensuring high availability or redundancy. On the Threefold Grid. You can make your deployment redundant or highly available in the same way you would if it was running on servers that you self host, or that you co-locate.

  • Load balancing: By using a load balancer, you can distribute traffic across multiple deployment instances to improve the performance and availability of your website. The load balancer can automatically route traffic to the deployment instances that are best able to handle the workload, helping to ensure that your website remains available and responsive to users.

  • Failover: By setting up a failover system, you can ensure that your website remains available even if one or more of your deployment instances experiences an outage. A failover system can automatically redirect traffic to a secondary deployment instance in the event of an outage, helping to ensure that your website remains available to users.

  • Clustering: By using clustering, you can create a group of workloads that work together to provide high availability and scalability for your website using Kubernetes.

      Overall, there are many strategies that you can use to create a highly available website using multiple deployment instances hosted on or off the grid. It is important to carefully consider your specific needs and requirements, and to choose the strategy that is best suited to your use case. The Grid gives you complete control of your data at all times, this also includes protecting and serving it.

Is the Threefold Grid Open-Source

      Yes, the Threefold Grid is an open-source platform. It is built on top of a decentralized, blockchain-based governance system, and allows users to rent computing resources from a global network of nodes. The platform is designed to be scalable, flexible, and secure, and it enables users to deploy workloads anywhere in the world, using any type of hardware or operating system. The source code for the Threefold Grid is available on GitHub, and the project is actively developed and maintained by a community of contributors that welcome any interested in developers in joining or partnering with the project. Here at Threefold we support all projects in their pursuit of a more private and secure internet.


Thank you for creating this resource, brother. I think a good addition on top of “how to tell people” – and something we can all bring suggestions for – is “where to find the right people.” Open source communities, developer communities, other projects, etc.

Actually have been working on some outreach resources to support the community, it’s a good reminder to finish this and distribute.

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Thank you @ParkerS! A great overview and resource!

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