Farmer Domain Routing Collective

Greetings fellow farmers,

As the owner of Smith Tactical Solutions, I am happy to present first community offering for the threefold network as a supporter of overall growth and utilization of the threefold grid. In order to ease adoption and encourage utilization I will be providing some manual domain management services. With this I will be accepting request for management of sub domains on

This will allow farmers to use subdomains on these networks in two ways,

With a public Ip address - the domain will forward to a workloads public ip address and allow configuration of web servers that are accessible to the public facing internet with no additional configuration.

Without a public ip address - the domain will forward to the workloads planetary network interface. Accessing these domains will require client to download and install the planetary network connector. Once installed configuration is a one click setup. That process is detailed here:

**for a gateway node you will need a, ns and cname, but if you choose a name and post your ip addresses i can configure all of it.

This will not only benefit farmers and users of workloads running on the planetary network, but will also allow me to use these domains to test the possibilities of using using regional domain records to dynamically structure the planetary structure into a more stable and faster wireless mesh network.

With that being said I request that if you would like a subdomain on one these domains, that you pm me the following form

SUBJECT Domain Request

Record Type:’ A, AAAA, NS, Cname”

Record Values ‘your input’

Public Workload: ‘Yes or No”

I would also like to put it out there there is a cli interface for configuring godaddy DNS who i use for use hosting these.

if someone can create a tool that can accept input and automates this process im onboard.

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You could also add the domains to your public node config’s. This way a user can rent them from you on the Grid itself, without intervention.

But awesome initiative !

They are already there they all have addresses this is just for if a workload doesn’t natively have one, offering it out of band


Haha ok, great! :slight_smile: