Exciting News: Dedicated nodes on the People’s Internet!

As of ThreeFold Grid 3 version A5, we’ll be supporting dedicated nodes.

By utilizing dedicated nodes on the ThreeFold Grid, you’ll benefit from a truly decentralized and highly reliable Internet infrastructure that uses less energy and comes at a much more affordable price than any comparable alternative.

With dedicated nodes, users are able to exclusively reserve the entire capacity of a 3Node to deploy solutions for themselves or for other customers, while also paying for all capacity of the respective 3Node. Dedicated nodes on our Grid will be highly cost effective, as they’ll be available with a 70% discount on pricing.

All the ThreeFold Grid features will be available on dedicated nodes as well – from deploying VMs and containers to CapRover and more. Dedicated and non-dedicated 3Nodes can be combined.

Additionally, we’ll soon provide GPU support in dedicated nodes as well, which is great for AI or mining workloads.

Learn more here: