Creating a farm with DIY nodes TL;DR

This is a quick overview of how a new farmer can set-up a farm with DIY nodes.

Account creation:

  1. Create a Polkadot account and install the extension on your web browser
  2. Go to and create a Threefold Twin
  3. Create a Threefold Farm associated with your Twin
  4. Connect a Stellar address to your Farm. The TFConnect app provides a wallet with a stellar address by default, however there are alternatives such as LOBSTR

Node preparation:

  1. Connect node to power, ethernet, keyboard, mouse and monitor
  2. Download Ubuntu on USB flash drive
  3. Access node BIOS and change boot order on node to prioritize USB
  4. Launch Ubuntu and clear the disks on the node

Boot image:

  1. Go to and download the bootstrap image onto a USB flash drive, inputting your Farm ID and selecting the desired network
  2. Launch node with boot image on the USB flash drive

Short and sweet, I like it. Just a couple notes. First, the dashboard will become the preferred way to create a Twin and Farm. Second, a link to this post on how to clear the disks could be helpful :slight_smile: